Wildlife Health Data Model Dictionary



Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
ProjectID Project Identifier System-provided Project identifier Integer System-assigned
ProjectName Project Name User-given Project name String Yes
ProjectCrossReferenceID Project Cross Identifier The identifier of the Project under another nomenclature system. For example, in a different database or document where other identification for the same Project is used String No
ProjectCrossReferenceIDOrigin Project Cross Identifier Origin The location/database/document where other identification for the same Project is used String No
ProjectCountry Project Countries The countries where the Project takes place Multiple selection Yes
ProjectFunderOrganization Project Funder Organization The organizations providing the funding to conduct the Project Multiple selection Yes
ProjectLeadingOrganization Project Leading Organization The organization/institution leading the Project execution Single selection Yes
ProjectLeader Project Leader The person leading the Project. Usually affiliated to the Leading Organization Single selection Yes
ProjectOtherOrganization Project Other Organizations Other organizations/partners/institutions involved in the execution of the Project (e.g., Laboratories, NGOs, etc.) Multiple selection Yes
ProjectPurpose Project Purpose Description of the objectives and goals of the Project String Yes
ProjectGroupSource Project Group Source Answer to the question: 'Are new Group Source(s) or from previous Surveillance Activities of interest for the Project?' Boolean Yes
ProjectAnimalSource Project Animal Source Answer to the question: 'Are new Animal Source(s) or from previous Surveillance Activities of interest for the Project?' Boolean Yes
ProjectEnvironmentalSource Project Environmental Source Answer to the question: 'Are new Environmental Source(s) or from previous Surveillance Activities of interest for the Project?' Boolean Yes
ProjectArthropodSource Project Arthropod Sources Answer to the question: 'Are new Arthropod Source(s) or from previous Surveillance Activities of interest for the Project?' Boolean Yes
ProjectBiologicalHazard Biological Hazards The type(s) of biological health hazard(s) of interest for the Project (e.g., 'Virus', 'Bacteria', 'Protozoa', 'Insecta') Boolean Yes
ProjectVirusHazard Virus The viruses of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as a clade/variant/etc of a species or as general as 'Virus' (e.g., 'Virus', 'SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant', 'H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza clade') Multiple selection No
ProjectBacteriaHazard Bacteria The bacteria of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as a strain/serovar/etc of a species or as general as 'Bacteria' (e.g., 'Group-A Streptococcus', 'Mycobacterium bovis') Multiple selection No
ProjectProtozoaHazard Protozoa The protozoa of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as a strain/serovar/etc of a species or as general as 'Protozoa' (e.g., 'Plasmodium relictum', 'Toxoplasma gondii') Multiple selection No
ProjectFungiHazard Fungi The fungi of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as a strain/serovar/etc of a species or as general as 'Fungi' (e.g., 'Pseudogymnoascus destructans', 'Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis') Multiple selection No
ProjectPrionHazard Prion The prion of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as the protein subtype or as general as 'Prion' (e.g., 'Chronic-wasting disease', 'Scrapie', 'Mad cow disease) Multiple selection No
ProjectTransmissibleTumourHazard Transmissible Tumour The transmissible tumour of interest for the Project (e.g., 'Devil facial tumor 1', 'Devil facial tumor 2') Multiple selection No
ProjectNematodaHazard The nematode of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as a strain/serovar/etc of a species or as general as 'Nematode' (e.g., 'Toxocara canis', '') Multiple selection No
ProjectPlatyhelminthHazard Platyhelminth The platyhelminth of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as a subspecies or as general as 'Platyhelminth' (e.g., 'Fasciola gigantica') Multiple selection No
ProjectArthropodHazard Arthropod The arthropod of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as a subspecies or as general as 'Arthropod' (e.g., 'Sarcoptes scabiei', 'Rhipicephalus sanguineus') Multiple selection No
ProjectChemicalHazard Chemical Hazards The type(s) of chemical health hazard(s) of interest for the Project (e.g., 'Heavy Metal', 'Organochlorine Pesticides', 'Cholinesterase-inhibbiting Pesticide', 'Toxins') Multiple selection No
ProjectHeavyMetalHazard Heavy Metal The heavy metal of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as a chemical form of the heavy metal or as general as the common name of the metal (e.g., 'Lead', 'Methylmercury') Multiple selection No
ProjectOrganochlorinePesticidesHazard Organochlorine Pesticides The organochlorine pesticides of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as a type of organochlorine pesticides or as general as 'Organochlorine Pesticide' (e.g., 'DDT', 'Lindane') Multiple selection No
ProjectCholinesteraseInhibbitingPesticideHazard Cholinesterase-inhibbiting Pesticide The cholinesterase-inhibbiting pesticide of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as a type of cholinesterase-inhibbiting pesticide or as general as 'Cholinesterase-inhibbiting Pesticide' (e.g., 'Diazinon', 'Malathion') Multiple selection No
ProjectToxinsHazard Toxins The toxin of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as the protein subtype or as general as 'Toxin' (e.g., 'Clostridium botulinum toxin type C', 'Tetanus toxin') Multiple selection No
ProjectPhysicalHazard Physical Hazards The type(s) of physical health hazard(s) of interest for the Project (e.g., 'Trap', 'Vehicle Collisions', 'Entanglement', 'Burning', 'Electrocution') Multiple selection No
ProjectPhysiologicalHazard Physiological Hazards The type(s) of physiological health problems of interest for the Project (e.g., 'Hypocalcemia', 'Hyperkalemia', 'Amyloid A amyloidosis') Multiple selection No
ProjectStartDate Project Start Date The starting date of the Project Date Yes
ProjectEndDate Project End Date The date when the Project is projected/planned to end or officially ended Date No
ProjectUrl Project URLs URLs of the Project or of the organizations/institutions involved in the Project String No

Surveillance Activity

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SurveillanceActivityID Surveillance Activity Identifier System-provided Surveillance Activity identifier Integer System-assigned
SurveillanceActivityCode Surveillance Activity Code User-provided Surveillance Activity code String Yes
SurveillanceActivityCrossReferenceID Surveillance Activity Cross Identifier The identifier of the Surveillance Activity under another nomenclature system. For example, in a different database or document where other identification for the same Surveillance Activity is used String No
SurveillanceActivityCrossReferenceIDOrigin Surveillance Activity Cross Identifier Origin The location/database/document where other identification for the same Surveillance Activity is used String No
SurveillanceActivityType Surveillance Activity Type The type of surveillance associated with the Surveillance Activity (e.g., Targeted, Scanning, Outbreak Investigation, or Research). If two or more surveillance types are involved, then two or more Surveillance Activities are needed so each one receives a single type of surveillance Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityGrantName Surveillance Activity Grant Name The name of the grant funding the Surveillance Activity. If there is not a grant involved, type 'N/A' String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGrantNumber Surveillance Activity Grant Number The number of the grant funding the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLeader Surveillance Activity Leader The person leading the Surveillance Activity Single selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityLeaderOrganization Surveillance Activity Leader Organization The affiliation of the person leading the Surveillance Activity Single selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityLeaderOrganizationROR Surveillance Activity Leader Organization ROR The ROR of the affiliation of the person leading the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityOtherIndividuals Surveillance Activity Other Individuals Other Individuals relevant for the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivitySectorsInvolved Surveillance Activity Sectors Involved The environmental, animal, human, wildlife sectors involved in the execution of the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityOrganizationsInvolved Surveillance Activity Organizations Involved Organizations/partners/institutions involved in the execution of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., Laboratories, NGOs, etc.) Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityCountry Country or Countries Included in the Surveillance Activity The countries where the Surveillance Activity takes place Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityBiologicalHazard Biological Hazards The type(s) of biological health hazard(s) of interest for the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'Virus', 'Bacteria', 'Protozoa', 'Insecta') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityVirusHazard Virus The viruses of interest for the Surveillance Activity. It can be as specific as a clade/variant/etc of a species or as general as 'Virus' (e.g., 'Virus', 'SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant', 'H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza clade') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityBacteriaHazard Bacteria The bacteria of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as a strain/serovar/etc of a species or as general as 'Bacteria' (e.g., 'Group-A Streptococcus', 'Mycobacterium bovis') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityProtozoaHazard Protozoa The protozoa of interest for the Surveillance Activity. It can be as specific as a strain/serovar/etc of a species or as general as 'Protozoa' (e.g., 'Plasmodium relictum', 'Toxoplasma gondii') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityFungiHazard Fungi The fungi of interest for the Surveillance Activity. It can be as specific as a strain/serovar/etc of a species or as general as 'Fungi' (e.g., 'Pseudogymnoascus destructans', 'Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityPrionHazard Prion The prion of interest for the Project. It can be as specific as the protein subtype or as general as 'Prion' (e.g., 'Chronic-wasting disease', 'Scrapie', 'Mad cow disease) Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityTransmissibleTumourHazard Transmissible Tumour The transmissible tumour of interest for the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'Devil facial tumor 1', 'Devil facial tumor 2') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityNematodaHazard Nematode The nematode of interest for the Surveillance Activity. It can be as specific as a strain/serovar/etc of a species or as general as 'Nematode' (e.g., 'Toxocara canis', '') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityPlatyhelminthHazard Platyhelminth The platyhelminth of interest for the Surveillance Activity. It can be as specific as a subspecies or as general as 'Platyhelminth' (e.g., 'Fasciola gigantica') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodHazard Arthropod The arthropod of interest for the Surveillance Activity. It can be as specific as a subspecies or as general as 'Arthropod' (e.g., 'Sarcoptes scabiei', 'Rhipicephalus sanguineus') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityChemicalHazard Chemical Hazards The type(s) of chemical health hazard(s) of interest for the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'Heavy Metal', 'Organochlorine Pesticides', 'Cholinesterase-inhibbiting Pesticide', 'Toxins') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityHeavyMetalHazard Heavy Metal The heavy metal of interest for the Surveillance Activity. It can be as specific as a chemical form of the heavy metal or as general as the common name of the metal (e.g., 'Lead', 'Methylmercury') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityOrganochlorinePesticidesHazard Organochlorine Pesticides The organochlorine pesticides of interest for the Surveillance Activity. It can be as specific as a type of organochlorine pesticides or as general as 'Organochlorine Pesticide' (e.g., 'DDT', 'Lindane') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityCholinesteraseInhibbitingPesticideHazard Cholinesterase-inhibbiting Pesticide The cholinesterase-inhibbiting pesticide of interest for the Surveillance Activity. It can be as specific as a type of cholinesterase-inhibbiting pesticide or as general as 'Cholinesterase-inhibbiting Pesticide' (e.g., 'Diazinon', 'Malathion') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityToxinsHazard Toxins The toxin of interest for the Surveillance Activity. It can be as specific as the protein subtype or as general as 'Toxin' (e.g., 'Clostridium botulinum toxin type C', 'Tetanus toxin') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityPhysicalHazard Physical Hazards The type(s) of physical health hazard(s) of interest for the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'Trap', 'Vehicle Collisions', 'Entanglement', 'Burning', 'Electrocution') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityPhysiologicalHazard Physiological Hazards The type(s) of physiological health problems of interest for the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'Hypocalcemia', 'Hyperkalemia', 'Amyloid A amyloidosis') Multiple selection No
SurveillanceActivityTaxaTargeted Taxa Targeted Taxa of interest for the Surveillance Activity. It is possible to select high taxonomy levels such as 'Mammalia', 'Chordata', 'Insecta', etc. to indicate that no particular species is targeted. The answer applies to previous Sources Records (Carcasses or Specimens from previous Surveillance Activities) and new Sources if both are included in the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityPurpose Surveillance Activity Purpose Description of the general objectives and goals of the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityMethods Surveillance Activity Methods Description of the methods used to complete the Surveillance Activity (e.g., transect, citizen reports, ranger patrols, animal health team putbreak investigation, mosquito trapping, hunters reporting body condition, indigenous communities reporting findings in processed carcasses, etc.) Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewFieldVisits Surveillance Activity New Field Visits Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve new Field Visits?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewFieldVisitCodeStructure Surveillance Activity New Field Visit Code Structure Description of the structure of the codes used to identify New Field Visits String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewFieldVisitOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity New Field Visit Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve tracking other properties of New Field Activities not included in the default Field Visit properties of the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewFieldVisitListDefinitionOtherAtttributes Surveillance Activity New Field Visit Definition Other Attributes Description of other Field Visit attributes of interest not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewLocationsCodeStructure Surveillance Activity Location Code Structure Description of the structure of the codes used to identify Location String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationsNumber Surveillance Activity Locations Number The number of Locations included in the Surveillance Activity Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialPolygons Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Polygons Answer to the question: 'Are the polygons of Locations entered in the database as a external file containing spatial data?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventCodeStructure Surveillance Activity Event Code Structure Description of the structure of the codes used to identify Events String Yes
SurveillanceActivityActiveCollection Surveillance Activity Active Collection Answer to the question:'Are Source Records obtained through an active collection strategy (e.g., camera traps, mosquito traps, patrolling, transect, mist nets, observation periods, land exploration, etc.)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityCollectionCodeStructure Surveillance Activity Collection Code Structure Description of the structure of the codes used to identify Collections String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourcesIncluded Surveillance Activity Includes Group Sources Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity include data of animals at a group-level (e.g., herd, pack, pen, animal in a cage, etc.) to be collected or from previous Surveillance Activities?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourcesIncluded Surveillance Activity Includes Animal Sources Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity include data of individual animals to be collected or from previous Surveillance Activities?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcesIncluded Surveillance Activity includes Environmental Sources Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity include data of Environmental Sources (e.g., sites where water is collected) to be collected or from previous Surveillance Activities?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcesIncluded Surveillance Activity Includes Arthropod Sources Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity include data of of Arthropod Sources (e.g., sites where CO2 traps can be placed to collect mosquitoes) to be collected or from previous Surveillance Activities?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousSpecimensAnySourceType Surveillance Activity Previous Specimens Any Source Type Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity include the use of Specimens of any type obtained under a previous Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewSpecimensAnySourceType Surveillance Activity New Specimens Any Source Type Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity include obtaining new Specimens of any type?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewPooledSpecimens Surveillance Activity New Pooled Specimens Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve the creation of new Pooled Specimens? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewPooledSpecimenCodeStructure Surveillance Activity New Pooled Specimens Code Structure Description of the structure of the codes used to identify newly created Pooled Specimens String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewDiagnostics Surveillance Activity New Diagnostics Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve new Diagnostics? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewDiagnosticsCodeStructure Surveillance Activity New Diagnostics Code Structure Description of the structure of the codes used to identify new Diagnostics String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewDiagnosticProducts Surveillance Activity New Diagnostic Products Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve the creation of new Diagnostic Products? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLaboratoriesIncluded Surveillance Activity Laboratories Included Answer to the question: 'Are there any laboratories participating somehow in the Surveillance Activity Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLaboratories Surveillance Activity Participating Laboratories The laboratories participating in any manner in the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityIACUCNeeded Surveillance Activity IACUC Needed Answer to the question: 'Is an IACUC needed to conduct the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityOrganizationProvidingIACUC Surveillance Activity Organization Providing IACUC The organization providing the IACUC approving the methodology of the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityIACUCCode Surveillance Activity IACUC Code The code of the IACUC approving the methodology of the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityDataOwner Surveillance Activity Data Owner The person or organization that owns the Surveillance Activity data String Yes
SurveillanceActivityDataManager Surveillance Activity Data Manager The person responsible of the Surveillance Activity data Single selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityOtherSurveillanceActivityAssociated Surveillance Activity Other Surveillance Activities or Datasets Associated Answer to the question: 'Are there other Surveillance Activities or other datasets associated with the current Surveillance Activity ?' (e.g., if the current Surveillance Activity uses Specimens collected as part of other associated Surveillance Objective, or if the full set of events of a ranger patrol (beyond health events) belong to the patrol XXXX of the protected area Y') Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityOtherSurveillanceActivityAssociatedCode Surveillance Activity Associated Surveillance Activities Codes The Codes of other Surveillance Activities associated with the current Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityReasonOtherSurveillanceActivityAssociated Reason other Surveillance Activities or Datasets Are Associated Describe why other Surveillance Activities are associated with the current Surveillance Activity (e.g., the current Surveillance Activity uses Specimens collected as part of Surveillance Activity X, or the health Events are part of patrols conducted in protected Z') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityRelevantUrl Surveillance Activity URLs URLs of the Surveillance Activity, associated with the Surveillance Activity, or organizations leading the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityPublication Surveillance Activity Publications Publication references associated with the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityStartDate Surveillance Activity Start Date The date the Surveillance Activity officially started Date Yes
SurveillanceActivityEndDate Surveillance Activity End Date The date the Surveillance Activity is projected to end or officially ended Date No

Surveillance Activity - Group Source

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceNumber Surveillance Activity Group Source Number The full number of Group Sources targeted in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordsNumber Surveillance Activity Group Source Records Number The full number of Group Sources Records of the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourcesIncluded Surveillance Activity New Group Sources Included Answer to the question: 'Are new Group Sources considered in the Surveillance Activity (e.g., the collection of data from new animal groups)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceCodeStructure Surveillance Activity New Group Source Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of the new Group Source Codes of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, and then the number is the sequential number of the Group Source') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceLocationPreviousSurveillanceActivities Surveillance Activity New Group Source Locations in Previous Surveillance Activities Answer to the question: 'Have any of the Locations to obtain Group Source Records in the Surveillance Activity been included in previous Suveillance Activities Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceLocationPreviousSurveillanceActivitiesCodes Surveillance Activity New Group Source Locations in Previous Surveillance Activities The codes of previous Surveillance Activities containing the Locations used in the current Surveillance Activities to obtain Group Sources String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourcesLocationUnitOfInterest Surveillance Activity New Group Sources Location Unit of Interest Answer to the question: 'Are the Locations where new Group Source Records are obtained from a unit of interest in the Surveillance Activity (e.g., markets where animals of Group Sources are caged)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourcesLocationDefinition Surveillance Activity New Group Sources Location Definition Description of what the Locations where Group Source Records collected from are (e.g., a parcel, an zone of a proteced area, a city, etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourcesLocationList Surveillance Activity New Group Sources Location List A list with the Location names or codes where new Group Source Records are obtained from in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceLocationSpatialFileProvided Surveillance Activity New Group Source Location Spatial File Provided Answer to the question: 'Has a file with the spatial data and other relevant attributes of the Locations where new Group Source Records are obtained from in the Surveillance Activity been perovided?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceLocationPolygonProjection Surveillance Activity New Group Source Location Polygon Projection The projection of the spatial data of the Locations in the file provided String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceLocationOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity New Group Source Location Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve tracking other properties of Locations where new Group Source Records are obtained from not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceLocationListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity New Group Source Location Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of Locations where new Group Source Records are obtained from not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourcePlannedVisitsPerLocation Surveillance Activity New Group Source Planned Visits Per Location The number of planned visits per Location where new Group Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceEventNumberPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Number Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Events per Location where new Group Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity Known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceEventNumberPerLocation Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Number Per Location The number of Events per Location where new Group Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceCollectionNumberPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Number Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Collections per Location where new Group Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity Known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceCollectionNumberPerLocation Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Number Per Location The number of Events per Location where new Group Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceRecordsNumberPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity New Group Source Records Number Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Group Source Records targeted per Location where new Group Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity known? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceRecordsNumberPerLocation Surveillance Activity New Group Source Records Number Per Location The total number of Group Source Records targeted per Location where new Group Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceRecordsNumberPerVisitPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity New Group Source Records Number Per Visit to a Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Group Source Records targeted per visit to each Location where new Group Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity known? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceRecordsNumberPerVisitPerLocation Surveillance Activity New Group Source Records Number Per Visit per Location The total number of Group Source Records targeted per visit to each Location where new Group Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourcesEventUnitOfInterest Surveillance Activity New Group Sources Event Unit of Interest Answer to the question: 'Are the Events where new Group Source Records are obtained from a unit of interest in the Surveillance Activity (e.g., the site and time where a mist net is set up)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourcesEventDefinition Surveillance Activity New Group Sources Event Definition Description of what the Events where Group Source Records are collected from are (e.g., a house, a cave, a tree, etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceEventIncludesHealthy Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Includes Healthy Individuals Answer to the question: Are healthy individuals of the Group Source recorded as part of the Event? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceEventIncludesSick Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Includes Sick Individuals Answer to the question: Are sick individuals of the Group Source recorded as part of the Event? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceEventIncludesInjured Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Includes Injured Individuals Answer to the question: Are injured individuals of the Group Source recorded as part of the Event? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceEventIncludesDead Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Includes Dead Individuals Answer to the question: Are dead individuals of the Group Source recorded as part of the Event? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceEventIncludesManyGroupSources Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Includes Many Group Sources Answer to the question: Events where new Group Source Records are obtained from can contain records of other Group Sources? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceEventIncludeAnimalSources Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Includes Animal Sources Answer to the question: Do Events where new Group Source Records are obtained from contain records of Animal Sources? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceEventIncludeEnvironmentalSources Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Includes Environmental Sources Answer to the question: Do Events where new Group Source Records are obtained from contain records of Environmental Sources? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceEventIncludeArthropodSources Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Includes Arthropod Sources Answer to the question: Do Events where new Group Source Records are obtained from contain records of Arthropod Sources? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceEventOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve tracking other properties of Events where new Group Source Records are found not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceEventListDefinitionOtherAtttributes Surveillance Activity New Group Source Event Definition Other Attributes Description of other attributes of interest for the Events where new Group Source Records are found not included in the data model' String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceCollectionNumberPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity New Group Source Collection Number Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Collections per Location where new Group Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity Known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceCollectionNumberPerLocation Surveillance Activity New Group Source Collection Number Per Location The number of Collections per Location where new Group Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceRecordsNumberPerEventKnown Surveillance Activity New Group Source Records Number Per Event Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Group Source Records targeted per Event known?. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceRecordsNumberPerEvent Surveillance Activity New Group Source Records Number Per Event The total number of Group Source Records targeted per Event String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourcePassiveCollection Surveillance Activity New Group Source Passive Collection Answer to the question:'Are Group Source Records obtained through a passive collection strategy (e.g., citizen reports, information from news outlets)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceActiveCollection Surveillance Activity New Group Source Active Collection Answer to the question:'Are Group Source Records obtained through an active collection strategy (e.g., camera traps, mosquito traps, patrolling, transect, mist nets, observation periods, land exploration, etc.)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceCollectionMethods Surveillance Activity New Group Source Collection Methods Description of the Collection methods used to obtain new Group Source Records (e.g., pair of mist nets placed in X for Y hours in S sites every M months under a bat roost ans blood samples re collected using ... etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceollectionMethodsReferences Surveillance Activity New Group Source Collection Methods References References associated with the Collection Methods to obtain new Group Source Records String No
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceActiveCollectionMethodExpectedEffort Surveillance Activity New Group Source Active Collection Methods Expected Effort Expected Effort of the Active Collection Methods to obtain new Group Source Records String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceCollectionSeveralGroupSourcesRecords Surveillance Activity New Group Source Collection Several Group Sources Records Answer to the question: 'Can a Collection provide Records of several Group Sources?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceCollectionRecordsOtherSourceTypes Surveillance Activity New Group Source Collection Records Other Source Types Answer to the question: 'Can a Collection provide Records of Sources of different types?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceCollectionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity New Group Source Collection Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve tracking other properties of Collections to obtain Group Source Records not included in the default Collection properties of the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceCollectionListDefinitionOtherAtttributes Surveillance Activity New Group Source Collection Definition Other Attributes Description of other attributes of interest of the Collections to obtain Group Source Records not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceRecordsNumberPerCollectionKnown Surveillance Activity New Group Source Records Number Per Collection Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Group Source Records targeted per Collection aimed to obtained new Group Source Records during the Surveillance Activity known? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceRecordsNumberPerCollection Surveillance Activity New Group Source Records Number Per Collection The total number of Group Source Records targeted per Collection aimed to obtained new Group Source Records during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceHowDefined Surveillance Activity New Group Sources Definition Description about the process to establish that the animals of the same species in a Group Sources are assumed to be a epidemiological unit (e.g., a herd of wildlife herbivores that have been lived in a specific area and followed for decades, animals of the same species sharing a cage, etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceSpecies Surveillance Activity New Group Source Species Species to be documented as part of new Group Sources during the Surveillance Activity. It is possible to select high taxonomy levels such as 'Mammalia', 'Chordata', 'Insecta', etc. to indicate that no particular species is targeted Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceSpeciesIdentificationMethod Surveillance Activity New Group Source Species Identification Method The methodology used to identify the species in the new Group Sources String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceSpeciesIdentificationMethodReferences Surveillance Activity New Group Source Species Identification Method References References associated with the method to identify the species in New Group Sources String No
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceInclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity New Group Source Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of new Group Sources of the species of interest, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceExclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity New Group Source Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of new Group Sources of the species of interest, if any String No
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceIdentification Surveillance Activity New Group Source Identified Individually Answer to the question: 'Are new Group Sources individually identified ((named herd, etc.)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceIdentificationMethod Surveillance Activity New Group Source Identification Method Description how new Group Sources are individually identified (e.g. herd, farm, etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceIdentificationMethodReferences Surveillance Activity New Group Source Identification Method References References associated with identification method of new Group Sources String No
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceFollowedOverTime New Group Source Followed Over Time Answer to the question: 'Is it aimed to follow the same Group Source during the Surveillance Activity and obtain Source Records over time?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceFollowedOverTimeFrequency New Group Source Followed Over Time Description of the frequency that new Group Sources will be searched for, observed, collected, examined, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceHazardType Surveillance Activity New Group Source Hazard Type Targeted The types of hazards targeted during the Surveillance Activity in new Group Sources Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityyNewGroupSourceHazardNames Surveillance Activity yNew Group Source Hazard Names Targeted The names of the hazards targeted during the Surveillance Activity in new Group Sources Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceNewDiagnostics Surveillance Activity New Group Source New Diagnostics Answer to the question: 'Are new Diagnostics conducted on the new Group Sources?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceNewDiagnosticProtocols Surveillance Activity New Group Source New Diagnostic Protocols Protocols of the new Diagnostic(s) conducted on new Group Sources String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceNewDiagnosticProtocolReferences Surveillance Activity New Group Source New Diagnostic Protocol References References associated with the new Diagnostic protocols conducted on the new Group Sources String No
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceRecordInclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity New Group Source Records Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of new Group Source Records, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceRecordExclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity New Group Source Records Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of new Group Source Records, if any String No
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceRecordCodeStructure Surveillance Activity New Group Source Record Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of the new Group Source Record Codes of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, the number is the sequential number of the Group Source in the Surveillance Activity code, and the number is the sequential number of the Group Source Record') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousGroupSourceStoredSpecimens Surveillance Activity Previous Group Source Stored Specimens Answer to the question: 'Are stored Specimens from Group Sources of previous Surveillance Activities included in the current Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousGroupSourceStoredSpecimensProjectOrigin Surveillance Activity Previous Group Source Stored Specimens Project Origin The code of the Projects under which stored Group Source Specimens included in the current Surveillance Activity were originated Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousGroupSourceStoredSpecimensSurveillanceActivityOrigin Surveillance Activity Previous Group Source Stored Specimens Surveillance Activity Origin The code of the Surveillance Activities under which stored Group Source Specimens included in the current Surveillance Activity were originated Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousGroupSourceNewSpecimens Surveillance Activity Previous Group Source New Specimens Answer to the question: 'In the current Surveillance Activity, are new Specimens generated from stored Carcasses of animals belonging to Group Sources?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewGroupSourceNewSpecimens Surveillance Activity New Group Source New Specimens Answer to the question: 'In the current Surveillance Activity, are new Specimens generated from new Group Sources?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceNewSpecimenCodeStructure Surveillance Activity Group Source New Specimen Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of the Codes to identify the newly generated Specimens from Group Sources under the current Surveillance Activity (e.g., first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, the following letters are the type of Specimen, then the numbers are the Group Source, and the sequential numbering is the Group Source Specimen) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenTypes Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Types Select the types of the newly generated Specimens from Group Sources under the current Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenPerGroupSourceRecordKnown Surveillance Activity Number Specimens Per Group Source Record Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Specimens targeted per Group Source Record known?. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenPerGroupSourceRecord Surveillance Activity Number Specimens Per Group Source Record The total number of Specimens targeted per Group Source Record String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceNewSpecimenCollectionMethod Surveillance Activity Group Source New Specimen Collection Method Explain how the newly generated Specimens of Group Sources are collected during the Surveilance Activity (e.g., swabs inserted in the rectum and placed in 2 ml tube with 0.5 RNA-later) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceNewSpecimenCollectionMethodReferences Surveillance Activity Group Source New Specimen Collection Method References Name the references supporting the methods used to collect the new Specimens of Group Sources String No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimensInclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimens Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of Group Source Specimens, in the Surveillance Activity, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimensExclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimens Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of Group Source Specimens, in the Surveillance Activity, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimensIncludesParasitesVectors Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimens Includes Parasites or Vectors Answer to the question: 'Are parasites or vectors collected from Group Sources surroundings included as Specimens in the current Surveillance Activity? (e.g., when collecting a bat species-specific lice below a roost of the corresponding bat host species. If the parasite or vector is not linked to a Group Source then it is an 'Arthropod Source') Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceNewSpecimensFieldStorage Surveillance Activity Group Source New Specimens Field Storage Method to store the new Group Source Specimens collected while in the field under the current Surveillance Activity Mutiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceNewSpecimensLabStorage Surveillance Activity Group Source New Specimens Laboratory Storage Method to store the new Group Source Specimens collected under the current Surveillance Activity in the laboratory Mutiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenPooling Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Pooling Answer to the question: 'Are Group Source Specimens included in the current Surveillance Activity pooled?' (for a definition of 'pooling' in the database see the online database manual) Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenPoolingStrategy Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Pooling Strategy Explaination of the method to pool Group Source Specimens used in the current Surveillance Activity (for a definition of 'pooling' in the database see the online database manual) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenHazardType Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Hazard Type Targeted The types of hazards targeted during the Surveillance Activity in Group Source Specimens Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenHazardNames Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Hazard Names Targeted The names of the hazards targeted during the Surveillance Activity in Group Source Specimens Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenNewDiagnostic Surveillance Activity Group Source New Diagnostics Answer to the question: 'Are new Diagnostics conducted with the Group Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenNewDiagnosticProtocol Surveillance Activity Group Source New Diagnostics Protocol Description of the Diagnostic protocols conducted with the Group Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenNewDiagnosticProtocolReferences Surveillance Activity Group Source New Diagnostics Protocol References References associated with the Diagnostic protocols conducted with the Group Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceNewDiagnosticProducts Surveillance Activity Group Source New Diagnostic Products Answer to the question: 'Are new Diagnostic Products created as result of the Diagnostics conducted with the Group Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordCriteriaPositiveDiagnostic Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Criteria Positive Diagnostic Criteria to establish that each Diagnostic test applied to a Group Source Record is positive (Diagnostic case definition) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordCriteriaPositiveDiagnosticReferences Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Criteria Positive Diagnostic References Provide references associated with the criteria to establish that each Diagnostic test applied to a Group Source Record is positive String No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenCriteriaPositiveDiagnostic Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Criteria Positive Diagnostic Criteria to establish that each Diagnostic test applied to a Group Source Specimen is positive (Diagnostic case definition) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenCriteriaPositiveDiagnosticReferences Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Criteria Positive Diagnostic References References associated with the criteria to establish that each Diagnostic test applied to an Group Source Specimen is positive String No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenCriteriaPositiveCase Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Criteria Positive Case Criteria to establish that a Group Source Specimen is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity (positive Specimen case definition) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenCriteriaPositiveCaseReferences Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Criteria Positive Case References References associated with the criteria to establish that a Group Source Specimen is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordCriteriaPositiveCase Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Criteria Positive Case Explain the criteria to establish that a Group Source Record is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity (positive Group Source Record case definition) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordCriteriaPositiveCaseReferences Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Criteria Positive Case References References associated with the criteria to establish that a Group Source Record is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordDiagnosticInterpretation Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Diagnostic Interpretation Answer to the question: 'Are Diagnostics conducted in Group Source Records Interpreted as part of the Surveillance Activity?' boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordDiagnosticInterpretationBy Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Diagnostic Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of the Diagnostics conducted in Group Source Records Single selection No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenDiagnosticInterpretation Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Diagnostic Interpretation Answer to the question: 'Are Diagnostics conducted in Group Source Specimens Interpreted as part of the Surveillance Activity?' boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenDiagnosticInterpretationBy Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Diagnostic Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of the Diagnostic conducted in Group Source Specimens Single selection No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenInterpretation Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Interpretation Answer to the question: ''Does the presence of targeted hazards in Group Source Specimens receive an Interpretation as part of the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpecimenInterpretationBy Surveillance Activity Group Source Specimen Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of targeted hazards in Group Source Specimens Single selection No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordInterpretation Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Interpretation Answer to the question: ''Does the presence of targeted hazards in Group Source Records receive an Interpretation as part of the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordInterpretationBy Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of the Group Source Records with respect to the presence of targeted hazards Single selection No

Surveillance Activity - Group Source Records Clustering

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordClustering Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Group Source Records of the Surveillance Activity clustered?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordSpatialClustering Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Spatial Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Group Source Records of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered (in nested or non-nested clusters)? For example, Group Sources represent herds and herds are clustered by pen Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordSpatialNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Spatial Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Group Source Record of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered in nested levels?' For example, Group Sources are herds and herds are clustered by pen Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpatialNumberLevelsNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Group Source Spatial Number Levels Nested Clusters The number of spatial nested cluster levels grouping Group Source Records Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpatialNestedClusterLevelsRepresent Surveillance Activity Group Source Spatial Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each level of spatial nested cluster grouping Group Source Records is. For example, Level 1 are areas Level 2 are grid cells within areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpatialNumberCategoriesPerNestedClusterLevel Surveillance Activity Group Source Spatial Number Categories Per Nested Cluster Level Description of the number of Categories per each level of nested clusters grouping Group Source Records. For example, Level 1 contains 4 areas; in Level 2, area 1 contains 20 grid cells, area 2 contains 15 grid cells, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordsPerSpatialNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Group Source Records Per Spatial Nested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Group Source Records per each category within each spatial nested cluster grouping Group Source Records known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordsPerSpatialNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Group Source Records Per Spatial Nested Cluster Category Description of the Group Source Records per each category of nested spatial clusters grouping Group Source Records. For example, 3 Group Sources Record per grid cell and the total number of grid cells is ten for a total of 30 Group Source Records String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpatialNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Group Source Spatial Nested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do spatial nested clusters grouping Group Source Records contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpatialNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Group Source Spatial Nested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of spatial nested clusters grouping Group Source Records not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordSpatialNonNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Spatial Non Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Group Source Records of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered in non-nested groups?' For example, Group Sources Records are grouped by cities and also by zip codes Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpatialNumberNonNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Group Source Spatial Number Non Nested Clustering The number of non-nested spatial clusters grouping Group Sources Records Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpatialNonNestedClusterRepresent Surveillance Activity Group Source Spatial Non Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each spatial non-nested cluster grouping Group Sources Records is. For example, cluster 1 are grid cells cluster 2 are fenological areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpatialNumberCategoriesPerNonNestedCluster Surveillance Activity Group Source Spatial Number Categories Per Non Nested Cluster Description of the number of Categories per each non-nested cluster grouping Group Source Records. For example, cluster 1 contains 20 cells; cluster 2 contains 2 fenological areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordsPerSpatialNonNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Group Source Records Per Spatial Number Categories Per Non Nested Cluster Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Group Source Records per each category of each spatial non-nested cluster grouping Group Source Records known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordsPerSpatialNonNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Group Source Records Per Spatial Non Nested Cluster Category The number of Group Source Records per each category of each spatial non-nested cluster that are grouping Group Source Records String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpatialNonNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Group Source Spatial NonNested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do spatial non-nested clusters grouping Group Sources Records contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpatialNonNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Group Source Spatial NonNested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of spatial non-nested clusters grouping Group Source Records not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpatialClustersFileProvided Surveillance Activity Group Source Spatial Clusters File Provided Answer to the question: 'Is a file containing the list of nested, non-nested, or both types of spatial clusters grouping Group Source Records and their corresponding categories provided in a file?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceSpatialClustersSpatialProjection Surveillance Activity Group Source Spatial Clusters Spatial Projection The spatial projection of the spatial nested and non-nested clusters grouping Group Source Records provided in the file String No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordTemporalClustering Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Temporal Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Group Source Records of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered (in nested or non-nested clusters)? For example, Group Sources Records are clustered by decade and month over the years Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordTemporalNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Temporal Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Group Source Record of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered in nested levels?' For example, Group Source Records are clustered by month and then months are clustered by year Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceNumberTemporalNestedClustersLevels Surveillance Activity Group Source Number Temporal Nested Clusters Levels The number of levels of temporal nested clusters grouping Group Source Records Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceTemporalNestedClusterLevelsRepresent Surveillance Activity Group Source Temporal Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each level of temporal nested clusters grouping Group Source Records is.For example, Level 1 are seasons Level 2 are months within seasons String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceTemporalNumberCategoriesPerNestedClusterLevel Surveillance Activity Group Source Temporal Number Categories Per Nested Cluster Level Description of the number of Categories per each level of temporal nested clusters grouping Group Source Records. For example, Level 1 contains 4 seasons; in Level 2, season 1 contains 3 months, season 2 contains 3 months, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordsPerTemporalNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Group Source Records Per Temporal Nested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Group Source Records per each category of each temporal cluster level grouping Group Source Records known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourcePerTemporalNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Group Source per Temporal Nested Cluster Category Description of the number of Group Sources Records per each category of each temporal cluster level grouping Group Source Records. For example, 3 Group Source Records for season 1 that include 3 Group Sources during each of the 3 months for a total of 9 Group Sources Records per season. The time frame between each visit to a neighboor within a single visit to a city is 2 days String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceTemporalNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Group Source Temporal Nested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do temporal nested clusters grouping Group Source Records contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceTemporalNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Group Source Temporal Nested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of temporal nested clusters grouping Group Source Records not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceRecordTemporalNonNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Group Source Record Temporal NonNested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Group Source Records of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered in non-nested groups?' For example, Group Source Records are clustered by date of the year and also by decade Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceNumberTemporalNonNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Group Source Number Temporal NonNested Clusters The number of temporal non-nested clusters grouping Group Source Records Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceTemporalNonNestedClustersRepresent Surveillance Activity Group Source Temporal NonNested Clusters Represent Description of what each temporal non-nested cluster grouping Group Source Records is. For example, Cluster 1 are dates of the year and cluster 2 are decades String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceTemporalNumberCategoriesPerNonNestedCluster Surveillance Activity Group Source Temporal Number Categories Per NonNested Cluster Description of the number of Categories per each non-nested clusters grouping Group Source Records. For example, date of the year contains 365 options; decade contains 10 years, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourcePerTemporalNonNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Group Source per Temporal NonNested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Group Source Records per each category within eachtemporal non-nested cluster grouping Group Source Records known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourcePerTemporalNonNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Group Source per Temporal NonNested Cluster Category Description of the Group Source Records per each category of the non-nested temporal clusters grouping Group Source Records. For example, 1 Group Source Record for each date of the year and 365 Group Source Records per year of the decade String No
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceTemporalNonNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Group Source Temporal NonNested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do temporal non-nested clusters grouping Group Source Records contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceTemporalNonNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Group Source Temporal NonNested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of temporal non-nested clusters grouping Group Source Records not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityGroupSourceTemporalClustersFileProvided Surveillance Activity Group Source Temporal Clusters File Provided Answer to the question: 'Is a file containing the list of nested, non-nested, or both types of temporal clusters grouping Group Source Records and their corresponding categories provided in a file?' Boolean Yes

Surveillance Activity - Animal Source

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SurveillanceActivityTargetedSpecies Animal Source Species of Interest Species included in the Surveillance Activity as Animal Sources. It is possible to select high taxonomy levels such as 'Mammalia', 'Chordata', 'Insecta', etc. to indicate that no particular species is targeted Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivitySpeciesIdentificationMethod Animal Source Species Identification Method The methodology used to identify the species of the animals obtained in the field String Yes
SurveillanceActivitySpeciesIdentificationMethodReferences Animal Source Species Identification Method References References supporting the methodology used to identify the species of animals obtained in the field String No
SurveillanceActivityTargetedHazardType Animal Source Targeted Hazard Type The types of hazards targeted during the Surveillance Activity in Animal Sources Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityTargetedHazardName Animal Source Targeted Hazard Name The names of the hazards targeted during the Surveillance Activity in Animal Sources Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityTargetedHazardBySpecies Animal Source Targeted Hazard By Species The names of the hazards targeted during the Surveillance Activity in Animal Sources String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceIncluded Animal Source Records From the Field Answer to the question:'Does the Surveillance Activity involve obtaining Animal Source Records from animals in the field?' (does not include stored carcasses from previous Projects or Surveillance Activities only) Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceCodeStructure New Animal Source Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of the new Animal Source Codes of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, and then the number is the sequential number of the Animal Source') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldObservedOnlyAnimalSource Animal Source Records From Observed-Only Animals Answer to the question:'Does the Surveillance Activity involve Animal Source Records from the field but not Carcasses or Specimens?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityCaptureFieldAnimalSource Animal Source Records From Captured Animals Answer to the question:'Does the Surveillance Activity involve obtaining Animal Source Records from animals captured or restrained in the field? (not stored carcasses from previous projects or surveillance activities or observations only)' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityOneTimeCaptureFieldAnimalSource Animal Source Records From Non-marked Animals Answer to the question:'Does the Surveillance Activity involve obtaining Animal Source Records from non-marked animals captured or restrained in the field?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityReleaseCaptureFieldAnimalSource Animal Source Records From Non-marked Released Animals Answer to the question:'Does the Surveillance Activity involve obtaining Animal Source Records from originally captive animals that were then release to the field and then recaptured over time?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityMarkReleaseRecaptureFieldAnimalSource Animal Source Records From Previously Marked and then Released Animals Answer to the question:'Does the Surveillance Activity involve obtaining Animal Source Records from originally captive animals that were marked then release to the field and then recaptured over time?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityReleaseCaptureMarkRecaptureFieldAnimalSource Animal Source Records From Released Captured Marked and Recaptured Animals Answer to the question:'Does the Surveillance Activity involve obtaining Animal Source Records from originally captive animals that were released to the field and then captured or restrained, marked, and recaptured over time?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityCaptiveFieldAnimalSources Animal Soucce Records From Captive Animals Answer to the question:'Does the Surveillance Activity involve obtaining Animal Source Records from animals that are captive (hunted, farm, household, zoo, etc)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityCaptivityCategoryBySpecies Animal Source Captivity Status Per Species Description of the captivity status of the animal sources included in the Surveillance Activity per species (e.g., 'civets were obtained from farms. Bats from markets) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityCaptiveFacilityBySpecies Animal Source Captivitity Facility Per Species Description of the captivity facility of the captive animal sources included in the Surveillance Activity per species (e.g., 'civets were obtained from farm A, B, C') String No
SurveillanceActivityLocationCaptiveFacilityBySpecies Animal Source Location of Captivitity Facilities Per Species Description of the location of the captivity facilities of the captive animal sources included in the Surveillance Activity per species (e.g., 'farm A where we collected civets is located in town X, Province Y') String No
SurveillanceActivitySourceInclusionCriteriaAny Any Animal Source Inclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to include specific Animal Sources of any species besides the species itself? (e.g., animals of certain age or health condition only)' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceInclusionCriteriaBySpecies Animal Source Inclusion Criteria By Species The specific criteria for the inclusion of Animal Sources of the species of interest, if any, by species String Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceExclusionCriteriaAny Any Animal Source Exclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to exclude specific Animal Sources of any species? (e.g., animals of certain age or health condition)' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceExclusionCriteriaBySpecies Animal Source Exclusion Criteria By Species The specific criteria for the exclusion of new Animal Sources of the species of interest, if any, by species String Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceFollowedOverTime Animal Source Followed Over Time Answer to the question: 'Are Animal Source followed during the Surveillance Activity and Source Records of these animals obtained over time?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceFollowedOverTimeFrequencyBySpecies Animal Source Followed Over Time Frequency By Species Description of the frequency Animal Sources are observed, collected, examined, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceIdentification Animal Source Identification Answer to the question: 'Are Animal Sources are individually identified during the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceIdentificationMethodBySpecies Animal Source Identification Method By Species Description how Animal Sources are individually identified during the Surveillance Activity by species String Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceIdentificationMethodReferencesBySpecies Animal Source Identification Method References By Species References associated with identification method of Animal Sources idenified during the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityIdentifiedSourceInPreviousSurveillanceActivity Animal Source Records from Animals Identified in Previous Surveillance Activities Answer to the question:'Does the Surveillance Activity involve obtaining Animal Source Records from animals that were individually identified in previous Surveillance Activities?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityIdentifiedSourceOriginProjectCode Project Code Animal Sources Identified in Previous Surveillance Activities The Code of the Project under which the identified Animal Sources were identified String Yes
SurveillanceActivityIdentifiedSourcePreviousSurveillanceActivityCode Surveillance Activity Code Animal Sources Identified in Previous Surveillance Activities The Code of the Surveillance Activity under which the identified Animal Sources were identified String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceCarcassFieldNecropsy Animal Source Carcass Field Necropsy Answer to the question: 'Are field necropsies conducted as part of the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceCarcassFieldNecropsyProtocolBySpecies Animal Source Field Necropsy Carcass Protocol Protocol of the Necropsies conducted in the field during the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceCarcassFieldNecropsyProtocolReferences Animal Source Field Necropsy Carcass Protocol References supporting the protocol of the Necropsies conducted in the field duringthe Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceCarcassCollected Animal Source Carcass Collected Answer to the question: 'Are Carcasses of Animal Sources collected from the field as part of the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceCarcassCollectedInclusionCriteriaAny Any Animal Source Carcass Collected Inclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to include specific Animal Source Carcasses of the species of interest besides the species itself? (e.g., carcasses of certain age)' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceCarcassCollectedInclusionCriteria Animal Source Carcass Collected Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of Animal Source Carcasses of the species of interest collected from the field of, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceCarcassCollectedExclusionCriteriaAny Any Animal Source Carcass Collected Exclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to exclude specific Animal Source Carcasses of the species of interest? (e.g., carcasses of certain age)' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceCarcassCollectedExclusionCriteria Animal Source Carcass Collected Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of Animal Source Carcasses of the species of interest collected from the field of, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceCarcassFieldStorage Field Animal Source Carcass Field Storage Method to store the Carcasses collected while in the field under the current Surveillance Activity Mutiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceCarcassLabStorage Field Animal Source Carcass Facility Storage Method to store the Carcasses collected in a facility under the current Surveillance Activity Mutiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredCarcassIncluded Animal Source Stored Carcass Included Answer to the question: 'Are Stored Carcasses included in the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredCarcassOriginProjectCode Stored Carcasses Project Origin Code The Code of the Project during which the stored Carcasses included in the current Surveillance Activity were collected Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredCarcassPreviousSurveillanceActivityCode Stored Carcasses Previous Surveillance Activity Code The previous Surveillance Activity Codes of the stored Carcasses included in the current Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredCarcassInclusionCriteriaAny Any Stored Carcass Inclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to include specific stored Carcasses of the species of interest besides the species itself? (e.g., carcasses of certain age)' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredCarcassInclusionCriteria Store Carcass Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of stored Carcasses of the species of interest, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredCarcassExclusionCriteriaAny Any Stored Carcass Exclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to exclude specific stored Carcasses of the species of interest besides the species itself? (e.g., carcasses of certain age)' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredCarcassExclusionCriteria Store Carcass Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of stored Carcasses of the species of interest, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityCarcassLabNecropsy Carcass Laboratory Necropsy Answer to the question: 'Are Necropsies conducted in a facility during the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityCarcassLabNecropsyProtocol Carcass Laboratory Necropsy Protocols Protocols of the necropsies conducted in a facility String Yes
SurveillanceActivityCarcassLabNecropsyProtocolReferences Carcass Laboratory Necropsy Protocols References References associated with the protocols of the necropsies conducted in a facility String No
SurveillanceActivityCarcassLabNecropsyNumberBySpeciesCaptivity Carcass Laboratory Necropsy Number By Species and Captivity Number of necropsies in the laboratory per species, and captivity category String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordCodeStructure Animal Source Record Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of the Codes of Animal Source Record obtained as part of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, the number is the sequential number of the Animal Source in the Surveillance Activity code, and the number is the sequential number of the Animal Source Record') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordInclusionCriteriaAny Any Animal Source Record Inclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to include specific Animal Source Records of the species of interest besides the species itself? (e.g., animals of certain age)' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordInclusionCriteria Animal Source Record Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of Animal Source Records, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordExclusionCriteriaAny Any Animal Source Record Exclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to exclude specific Animal Source Records of the species of interest? (e.g., animals of certain age)' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordExclusionCriteria Animal Source Record Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of Animal Source Records, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordVaccinated Animal Source Record Vaccinated Answer to the question: 'Are Animal Sources vaccinated at sampling as part of the Surveillance Activity Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordVaccinatedAgainst Animal Source Record Vaccinated Against The hazards vaccinated against. Vaccines against toxins and other non-pathogen hazards must also be reported Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceRecordNumberBySpeciesCaptivity Number Field Animal Source Records Per Species Captivity Number of Animal Source Records from the field per species, and captivity category String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordClustering Animal Source Records Clustering Answer to the question: 'Are Animal Source Records clustered in units smaller than the Event?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordClusteringDescription Animal Source Records Cluster Description Description of Animal Source Records cluster units smaller than Event Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceRecordCodeStructure Field Animal Source Record Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of the Codes of Animal Source Record obtained in the field as part of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, the number is the sequential number of the Animal Source in the Surveillance Activity code, and the number is the sequential number of the Animal Source Record') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceRecordInclusionCriteriaAny Any Animal Source Record Inclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to include specific Animal Source Records of the species of interest that were obtained in the field besides the species itself? (e.g., animals of certain age)' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceRecordInclusionCriteria Animal Source Record Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of Animal Source Records obtained in the field, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceRecordExclusionCriteriaAny Any Animal Source Record Exclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to exclude specific Animal Source Records of the species of interest that were obtained in the field? (e.g., animals of certain age)' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceRecordExclusionCriteria Animal Source Record Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of Animal Source Records obtained in the field, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceRecordVaccinated Field Animal Source Record ted Answer to the question: 'Are Animal Sources obtained in the field vaccinated at sampling as part of the Surveillance Activity Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldNewAnimalSourceRecordVaccinatedAgainst Field Animal Source Record Vaccinated Against The hazards vaccinated against. Vaccines against toxins and other non-pathogen hazards must also be reported Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceRecordNumberBySpeciesCaptivity Number Field Animal Source Records Per Species Captivity Number of Animal Source Records from the field per species, and captivity category String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordClustering Animal Source Records Clustering Answer to the question: 'Are Animal Source Records clustered in units smaller than the Event?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordClusteringDescription Animal Source Records Cluster Description Description of Animal Source Records cluster units smaller than Event Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceOrCarcassOrStoredCarcassDiagnostic Animal Source Collected Stored Carcass Diagnostic Answer to the question: 'Are Animal Sources or their collected or stored Carcasses use to conduct a Diagnostic during the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceOrCarcassOrStoredCarcassDiagnosticProtocols Animal Source Collected Stored Carcass Diagnostic Protocols Protocols of the new Diagnostic(s) conducted on Animal Sources or their collected or stored Carcasses String Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceOrCarcassOrStoredCarcassDiagnosticProtocolsReferences Animal Source Collected Stored Carcass Diagnostic Protocol References References associated with the protocols of Diagnostics conducted on Animal Sources or their collected or stored Carcasses String No
SurveillanceActivitySourceOrCarcassOrStoredCarcassDiagnosticsOutput Animal Source Collected Stored Carcass Diagnostic Output Description of the output of the Diagnostics conducted in Animal Sources or their collected or stored Carcasses (e.g., a color band, a sequence, a cultivated plate, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceOrCarcassOrStoredCarcassDiagnosticDiagnosticProducts Animal Source Collected Stored Carcass Diagnostic Products Answer to the question: 'Do any of the Diagnostics conducted in Animal Sources or their collected or stored Carcasses generate products that are stored?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpecimens Animal Source Specimens Answer to the question: 'Are Specimens, collected from the field, collected from a stored Carcass, or stored included in the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceSpecimens Field Animal Source Specimens Answer to the question: 'Are Specimens from Animal Sources collected from the field during the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceSpecimenTypes Field Animal Source Specimen Types The type of Animal Source Specimens collected in the field as part of the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceSpecimenCollectionMethod Field Animal Source Specimen Collection Method Description of the methods to obtain Specimens from Animals Sources in the field during the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceSpecimenCollectionMethodReferences Field Animal Source Specimen Collection Method References References asociated with the methods to obtain Specimens from Animals Sources in the field during the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceSpecimenFieldStorage Field Animal Source Specimen Field Storage Method to store the Animal Source Specimens collected in the field while in the field during the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredCarcassNewSpecimens Stored Carcasses New Specimens Answer to the question: 'Are new Specimens collected from stored Carcasses included in the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredCarcassNewSpecimenTypes Stored Carcasses New Specimen Types The type of Animal Source Specimens collected from stored Carcasses as part of the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredCarcassNewSpecimenCollectionMethod Stored Carcasses New Specimen Collection Method Description of the methods to obtain Specimens from stored Carcasses during the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredCarcassNewSpecimenCollectionMethodReferences Field Animal Source Specimen Collection Method References References asociated with the methods to obtain Specimens from stored Carcasses during the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityNewSpecimenCodeStructure Field Animal Source Specimen Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of the Codes of Animal Source Specimens obtained as part of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, the number is the sequential number of the Animal Source in the Surveillance Activity code, and the number is the sequential number of the Specimen') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewSpecimenInclusionCriteriaByTypeAny Any New Animal Source Specimen Inclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to include specific new Animal Source Specimens obtained during the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewSpecimenInclusionCriteriaByType New Animal Source Specimen Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of new Animal Source Specimens obtained during the Surveillance Activity, if any, by Specimen Type String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewSpecimenExclusionCriteriaByTypeAny Any New Animal Source Specimen Enclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to exclude specific new Animal Source Specimens obtained during the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewSpecimenExclusionCriteriaByType New Animal Source Specimen Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of new Animal Source Specimens obtained during the Surveillance Activity, if any, by Specimen Type String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewSpecimenLabStorage New Specimen Laboratory Storage Method to store new Animal Source Specimens generated during the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityNumberNewAnimalSourceSpecimensKnown Animal Source Number Field Specimens Known Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Specimens from Animal Sources to be collected in the field as part of the Surveillance Activity known a priori?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNumberNewAnimalSourceSpecimensByTypeSpecies Animal Source Number Field Specimens By Type Species The number of Specimens from Animal Sources to be collected in the field as part of the Surveillance Activity by type and species String Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredAnimalSourceSpecimens Stored Animal Source Specimens Answer to the question: 'Are stored Animal Sources Specimens included the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredAnimalSourceSpecimenTypes Stored Animal Source Specimen Types The type of stored Animal Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredAnimalSourceSpecimensProjectOrigin Stored Specimens Project Origin Code The Code of the Project during which the stored Animal Source Specimens included in the current Surveillance Activity were collected Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredAnimalSourceSpecimensSurveillanceActivity Stored Specimens Previous Surveillance Activity Code The previous Surveillance Activity Codes of the stored Animal Source Specimens included in the current Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredAnimalSourceSpecimenInclusionCriteriaByTypeAny Any Stored Animal Source Specimen Inclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to include specific stored Animal Source Specimens?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredAnimalSourceSpecimenInclusionCriteriaByType Stored Animal Source Record Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of stored Animal Source Specimens, if any, by Specimen Type String Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredAnimalSourceSpecimenExclusionCriteriaByTypeAny Any Stored Animal Source Specimen Exclusion Criteria Answer to the question: 'Is there any criteria to exclude specific stored Animal Source Specimens?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityStoredAnimalSourceSpecimenExclusionCriteriaByType Stored Animal Source Record Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of stored Animal Source Specimens, if any, by Specimen Type String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNumberStoredAnimalSourceSpecimensKnown Animal Source Number Stored Specimens Known Answer to the question: 'Is the number of stored Specimens from Animal Sources to be included in the Surveillance Activity known a priori?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNumberStoredAnimalSourceSpecimensByTypeSpecies Animal Source Number Stored Specimens By Type Species The number of stored Specimens from Animal Sources to be included in the Surveillance Activity by type and species String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpecimensIncludesParasitesVectors Animal Source Specimens Includes Parasites or Vectors Answer to the question: 'Are parasites or vectors collected from Animal Sources included as Specimens in the current Surveillance Activity? (e.g., collecting a tick directly from a wolf or in the proximity of a carcass). If the tick is collected fomr the environment, then the parasite or vector is an 'Arthropod Source') Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpecimenPooling Animal Source Specimen Pooling Answer to the question: 'Are Animal Source Specimens included in the current Surveillance Activity pooled?' (for a definition of 'pooling' in the database see the online database manual) Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpecimenPoolingStrategy Animal Source Specimen Pooling Strategy Explaination of the method to pool Animal Source Specimens used in the current Surveillance Activity (for a definition of 'pooling' in the database see the online database manual) String Yes
SurveillanceActivitySpecimenNewDiagnostics Surveillance Activity Animal Source Diagnostics Answer to the question: 'Are Diagnostics conducted with Animal Source Specimens (new or stored) as part of the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivitySpecimenNewDiagnosticsProtocolByHazardSpecimenTypeSpecies Animal Source Protocol Diagnostics Description of the Diagnostic protocols conducted with the Animal Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity per hazard, Specimen type, and host species String Yes
SurveillanceActivitySpecimenNewDiagnosticsProtocolByHazardSpecimenTypeSpeciesReferences Animal Source Protocol Diagnostics References References associated with the Diagnostic protocols conducted with the Animal Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivitySpecimenNewDiagnosticsProtocolsOutputs Animal Source Diagnostic Outputs Description of the output of the Diagnostics conducted using Animal Source Specimens during the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivitySpecimenNewDiagnosticsProtocolsProducts Animal Source Diagnostic Products Answer to the question: 'Are there Products created as a result of the Diagnostics conducted in Animal Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceNewFieldVisits Animal Source Records From New Field Visits Answer to the question: 'Are Animal Source Records obtained during Field Visits of the current Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitList Field Visit List Animal Source Records A list with the Field Vists where Animal Source Records are obtained from in the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitOtherAttributes Field Visit Animal Source Records Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Are other properties of Field Visits where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity tracked that are not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitListDefinitionOtherAttributes Field Visit Animal Source Records Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of Field Visits where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity tracked. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitNumberKnown Number Field Visits Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Field Visits during to obtain Animal Source Records the current Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitNumber Number Field Visits The number of planned Field Visits to obtain Animal Source Records during the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitNumberLocationsKnown Number Locations Surveyed Per Field Visit Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Locations surveyed per Field Visit where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitNumberLocations Number Locations Per Field Visit The number of planned Locations surveyed per Field Visit where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitNumberEventsKnown Number Events Per Field Visit Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Events per Field Visit where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitNumberEvents Number Events Per Field Visit The number of planned Events per Field Visit where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitNumberCollectionKnown Number Collections Per Field Visit Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Collections per Field Visit where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitNumberCollection Number Collections Per Field Visit The number of planned Collections per Field Visit where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitNumberAnimalSourceRecordsKnown Number Animal Source Records Per Field Visit Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Animal Source Records per Field Visit for the current Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldVisitNumberAnimalSourceRecords Number Animal Source Records Per Field Visit The number of Animal Sources to obtain Records per Field Visit of the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationUnitofInterest Location Unit of Interest Answer to the question: 'Are the Locations where new Animal Source Records are obtained a unit of interest in the Surveillance Activity (e.g., markets where animals of Animal Sources are caged)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationDefinition Location Definition Description of what the Locations of origin of Animal Source Records are (e.g., a parcel, an zone of a proteced area, a city, etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationPreviousSurveillanceActivities Location Previous Surveillance Activities Answer to the question: 'Are there Locations of origin of Animal Source Records in the current Surveillance Activity that have been included in previous Surveillance Activities?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationPreviousProjectCodes Location Previous Project Codes The Code of the Projects also containing Locations included in the current Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationPreviousSurveillanceActivityCodes Location Previous Surveillance Activity Code The Code of the Surveillance Activities also containing Locations included in the current Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationList Location List Animal Source Records A list with the Location names or codes where Animal Source Records are obtained from in the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialFileProvided Location Animal Source Records Spatial File Provided Answer to the question: 'Has a file with the spatial data and other relevant attributes of the Locations where Animal Source Records are obtained in the current Surveillance Activity been provided?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationPolygonProjection Location Animal Source Records Polygon Projection The projection of the spatial data in the provided file with the Locations where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationOtherAttributes Location Animal Source Records Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Are other properties of Locations where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity tracked that are not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationListDefinitionOtherAtttributes Location Animal Source Records Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of Locations where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity tracked. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationActiveCollection Active Collection of Animal Source Records at Locations Answer to the question:'Are Animal Source Records of any species obtained through an active collection strategy in the Locations (e.g., camera traps, mosquito traps, patrolling, transect, mist nets, observation periods, land exploration, etc.)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationNumberPlannedSurveysKnown Number Surveys Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of surveys to the Locations where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationNumberPlannedSurveys Number Surveys Per Location The number of planned surveys per Location where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationNumberEventsKnown Number Events Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Events per Location where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationNumberEvents Number Events Per Location The number of planned Events per Location where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationNumberCollectionKnown Number Collections Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Collections per Location where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationNumberCollection Number Collections Per Location The number of planned Collections per Location where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationNumberFieldAnimalSourceRecordsKnown Number Animal Source Records Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Animal Source Records per Location for the current Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationNumberFieldAnimalSourceRecords Number Animal Source Records Per Location The number of Animal Sources to obtain Records from at each Location of the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationNumberFieldAnimalSourceRecordsPerSurveyKnown Number Animal Source Records Per Location Per Survey Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Animal Source Records per survey to each Location of the current Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationNumberFieldAnimalSourceRecordsPerSurvey Number Animal Source Records Per Location Per Survey The number of Animal Source Records per survey to each Location of the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationClustering Location Clustering Answer to the question: 'Are the Locations of the current Surveillance Activity spatially or temporally clustered in units smaller than the Field Visit?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventUnitofInterest Event Unit of Interest Answer to the question: 'Are the Events where new Animal Source Records are obtained a unit of interest in the Surveillance Activity (e.g., the actual spatiotemporal coordinate is of interest)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourceEventDefinition Event Definition Description of what the Events where Animal Source Records are obtained (e.g., a trap, a cage) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourceEventIncludesHealthy Event Includes Healthy Individuals Answer to the question: Are healthy Animal Sources recorded as part of the Event? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourceEventIncludesSick Event Includes Sick Individuals Answer to the question: Are sick Animal Sources recorded as part of the Event? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourceEventIncludesInjured Event Includes Injured Individuals Answer to the question: Are injured Animal Sources recorded as part of the Event? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourceEventIncludesDead Event Includes Dead Individuals Answer to the question: Are dead Animal Sources recorded as part of the Event? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourceEventIncludesManyAnimalSources Event Includes Several Animal Sources Answer to the question: 'Do Events where Animal Source Records are obtained from contain records of other Animal Sources?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourceEventIncludesGroupSources Event Includes Group Sources Answer to the question: 'Do Events where Animal Source Records are obtained from contain records of Group Sources?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourceEventIncludeEnvironmentalSources Event Includes Environmental Sources Answer to the question: 'Do Events where new Animal Source Records are obtained from contain records of Environmental Sources?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourceEventIncludeArthropodSources Event Includes Arthropod Sources Answer to the question: 'Do Events where new Animal Source Records are obtained from contain records of Arthropod Sources?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventOtherAttributes Event Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Are other properties of Events where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity tracked that are not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventListDefinitionOtherAtttributes Event Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of Events where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity tracked. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventSiteSeveralSurveys Several Events Per Site Answer to the question: 'Are there multiple Events at the same sites where Animal Source Records are obtained during the current Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventNumberPlannedSurveysKnown Events Per Site Known Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Events to obtain Animal Source Records at the same site during the Surveillance Activity known'? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventNumberPlannedSurveys Number Events Per Site Description of the number of Events at the sites where Animal Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventNumberCollectionKnown Collections Per Event Known Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Collections at Events to obtain Animal Source Records during the Surveillance Activity known'? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventNumberCollection Number Collections Per Event Description of the number of Collection at Events where Animal Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventNumberFieldAnimalSourceRecordsKnow Number Animal Source Records Per Event Known Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Animal Source Records per Event of the the Surveillance Activity known'? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventNumberFieldAnimalSourceRecords Number Animal Source Records Per Event Description of the number of Animal Source Records at Events of the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventClustering Events Clustering Answer to the question: 'Are the Events of the current Surveillance Activity spatially or temporally clustered in units smaller than the Field Visit?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityCollectionPassive Field Animal Source Passive Collection Answer to the question:'Are Animal Source Records of any species obtained from the field through a passive collection strategy (e.g., citizen reports, information from news outlets)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityCollectionActive Field Animal Source Active Collection Answer to the question:'Are Animal Source Records of any species obtained from the field through an active collection strategy (e.g., camera traps, mosquito traps, patrolling, transect, mist nets, observation periods, land exploration, etc.)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityCollectionMethodsBySpecies Field Animal Source Collection Methods By Species Description of the Collection methods used to obtain Animal Source Records by species (e.g., pair of mist nets placed in X for Y hours in S sites every M months under a bat roost ans blood samples re collected using ... etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityCollectionMethodActiveExpectedEffortBySpecies Field Animal Source Active Collection Methods Expected Effort Expected effort of the Active Collection Methods to obtain Animal Source Records actively by species (e.g., two mist nets per trappin session placed for X hours) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityFieldAnimalSourceCollectionMethodReferences Animal Source Collection Method References Name the references supporting the methods used to collect the new Animal Sources from the field String No
SurveillanceActivityCollectionOtherAttributes Collection Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Are other properties of Collections to obtain Animal Source Records during the current Surveillance Activity that are not included in the data model tracked?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityCollectionListDefinitionOtherAttributes Collection Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of Collections to obtain Animal Source Records during the current Surveillance Activity that are tracked. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityCollectionManyAnimalSourcesRecords Collection Includes Several Animal Sources Answer to the question: 'Do Collections to obtain Animal Source Records contain records of other Animal Sources?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityCollectionRecordsOtherSourceTypes Collection Other Source Types Answer to the question: 'Can a single Collection involve other Source types besides Animal Source Records?(e.g. An animal Source Record and an Environmental Source Record)' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityCollectionNumberFieldAnimalSourceRecordsKnown Number Animal Source Records Per Collection Known Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Animal Source Records per Collection of the the Surveillance Activity known'? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityCollectionNumberFieldAnimalSourceRecords Number Animal Source Records Per Collection Description of the number of Animal Source Records per Collection of the Surveillance Activity String Yes
AnimalSourceRecordPositiveDiagnosticByDiagnosticMethod Criteria Diagnostic in Animal Source is Positive Criteria to establish that each Diagnostic test applied to a Animal Source Record is positive (Diagnostic case definition for diagnostics applied to Animal Source Records or their Carcasses) String Yes
AnimalSourceRecordPositiveDiagnosticByDiagnosticMethodReferences Criteria Positive Diagnostic in Animal Source Record References Provide references supporting the criteria to establish that each Diagnostic test applied to a Animal Source Record is positive String No
AnimalSourceSpecimenPositiveDiagnosticByMethod Criteria Diagnostics in Specimen is Positive Criteria to establish that each Diagnostic test applied to a Animal Source Specimen is positive (Diagnostic case definition for diagnostics applied to Animal Source Specimens) String Yes
AnimalSourceSpecimenPositiveDiagnosticByMethodReferences Criteria Positive Diagnostic in Animal Source Specimen References References associated with the criteria to establish that each Diagnostic test applied to an Animal Source Specimen is positive String No
AnimalSourceSpecimenPositiveCasePerHazard Animal Source Specimen Criteria Positive Case Criteria to establish that a Animal Source Specimen is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity (positive Specimen case definition) String Yes
AnimalSourceSpecimenPositiveCasePerHazardReferences Criteria Positive Animal Source Specimen References References associated with the criteria to establish that an Animal Source Specimen is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity String No
AnimalSourceRecordPositiveCasePerHazard Animal Source Record Criteria Positive Case Explain the criteria to establish that an Animal Source Record is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity (positive Animal Source Record case definition) String Yes
AnimalSourceRecordPositiveCasePerHazardReferences Criteria Positive Animal Source Record References References associated with the criteria to establish that an Animal Source Record is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity String No
AnimalSourceRecordDiagnosticInterpretation Animal Source Record Diagnostic Interpretation Answer to the question: 'Are Diagnostics conducted in Animal Source Records or their Carcasses interpreted as part of the Surveillance Activity?' boolean Yes
AnimalSourceRecordDiagnosticInterpretationBy Animal Source Record Diagnostic Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of the Diagnostics conducted in Animal Source Records Single selection No
AnimalSourceSpecimenDiagnosticInterpretation Animal Source Specimen Diagnostic Interpretation Answer to the question: 'Are Diagnostics conducted in Animal Source Specimens Interpreted as part of the Surveillance Activity?' boolean Yes
AnimalSourceSpecimenDiagnosticInterpretationBy Animal Source Specimen Diagnostic Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of the Diagnostic conducted in Animal Source Specimens Single selection No
AnimalSourceSpecimenInterpretation Animal Source Specimen Interpretation Answer to the question: 'Does the presence of targeted hazards in Animal Source Specimens receive an Interpretation as part of the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
AnimalSourceSpecimenInterpretationBy Animal Source Specimen Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of targeted hazards in Animal Source Specimens Single selection No
AnimalSourceRecordInterpretation Animal Source Record Interpretation Answer to the question: 'Does the presence of targeted hazards in Animal Source Records receive an Interpretation as part of the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
AnimalSourceRecordInterpretationBy Surveillance Activity Animal Source Record Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of the Animal Source Records with respect to the presence of targeted hazards Single selection No
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourcesfromGroupSource New Animal Sources from Group Sources Answer to the question: 'Are New Animal Sources created from previous or new Group Sources during the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourcesfromGroupSourceReason New Animal Sources from Group Sources Reason Reason new Animal Sources are created from previous or Group Sources during the Surveillance Activity' (e.g., an individual from a group is found dead and the carcass is collected for necropsy) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourcesfromGroupSourceSurveillanceActivityGroupSource Group Source Origin Animal Source Surveillance Activity Code The Surveillance Activity Code of origin of the Group Source generating Animal Sources String No
SurveillanceActivityNewAnimalSourcesfromGroupSourceProjectGroupSource Group Source Origin Animal Source Project Code The Project Code of origin of the Group Source generating Animal Sources String No

Surveillance Activity - Animal Source Records Clustering

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordClustering Surveillance Activity Animal Source Record Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Animal Source Records of the Surveillance Activity clustered?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordSpatialClustering Surveillance Activity Animal Source Record Spatial Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Animal Source Records of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered (in nested or non-nested clusters)? For example, Animal Sources represent herds and herds are clustered by pen Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordSpatialNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Animal Source Record Spatial Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Animal Source Record of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered in nested levels?' For example, Animal Sources are herds and herds are clustered by pen Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpatialNumberLevelsNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Animal Source Spatial Number Levels Nested Clusters The number of spatial nested cluster levels Animaling Animal Source Records Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpatialNestedClusterLevelsRepresent Surveillance Activity Animal Source Spatial Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each level of spatial nested cluster Animaling Animal Source Records is. For example, Level 1 are areas Level 2 are grid cells within areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpatialNumberCategoriesPerNestedClusterLevel Surveillance Activity Animal Source Spatial Number Categories Per Nested Cluster Level Description of the number of Categories per each level of nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records. For example, Level 1 contains 4 areas; in Level 2, area 1 contains 20 grid cells, area 2 contains 15 grid cells, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordsPerSpatialNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Animal Source Records Per Spatial Nested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Animal Source Records per each category within each spatial nested cluster Animaling Animal Source Records known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordsPerSpatialNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Animal Source Records Per Spatial Nested Cluster Category Description of the Animal Source Records per each category of nested spatial clusters Animaling Animal Source Records. For example, 3 Animal Sources Record per grid cell and the total number of grid cells is ten for a total of 30 Animal Source Records String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpatialNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Animal Source Spatial Nested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do spatial nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpatialNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Animal Source Spatial Nested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of spatial nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordSpatialNonNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Animal Source Record Spatial Non Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Animal Source Records of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered in non-nested Animals?' For example, Animal Sources Records are Animaled by cities and also by zip codes Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpatialNumberNonNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Animal Source Spatial Number Non Nested Clustering The number of non-nested spatial clusters Animaling Animal Sources Records Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpatialNonNestedClusterRepresent Surveillance Activity Animal Source Spatial Non Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each spatial non-nested cluster Animaling Animal Sources Records is. For example, cluster 1 are grid cells cluster 2 are fenological areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpatialNumberCategoriesPerNonNestedCluster Surveillance Activity Animal Source Spatial Number Categories Per Non Nested Cluster Description of the number of Categories per each non-nested cluster Animaling Animal Source Records. For example, cluster 1 contains 20 cells; cluster 2 contains 2 fenological areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordsPerSpatialNonNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Animal Source Records Per Spatial Number Categories Per Non Nested Cluster Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Animal Source Records per each category of each spatial non-nested cluster Animaling Animal Source Records known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordsPerSpatialNonNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Animal Source Records Per Spatial Non Nested Cluster Category The number of Animal Source Records per each category of each spatial non-nested cluster that are Animaling Animal Source Records String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpatialNonNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Animal Source Spatial NonNested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do spatial non-nested clusters Animaling Animal Sources Records contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpatialNonNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Animal Source Spatial NonNested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of spatial non-nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpatialClustersFileProvided Surveillance Activity Animal Source Spatial Clusters File Provided Answer to the question: 'Is a file containing the list of nested, non-nested, or both types of spatial clusters Animaling Animal Source Records and their corresponding categories provided in a file?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceSpatialClustersSpatialProjection Surveillance Activity Animal Source Spatial Clusters Spatial Projection The spatial projection of the spatial nested and non-nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records provided in the file String No
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordTemporalClustering Surveillance Activity Animal Source Record Temporal Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Animal Source Records of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered (in nested or non-nested clusters)? For example, Animal Sources Records are clustered by decade and month over the years Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordTemporalNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Animal Source Record Temporal Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Animal Source Record of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered in nested levels?' For example, Animal Source Records are clustered by month and then months are clustered by year Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceNumberTemporalNestedClustersLevels Surveillance Activity Animal Source Number Temporal Nested Clusters Levels The number of levels of temporal nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceTemporalNestedClusterLevelsRepresent Surveillance Activity Animal Source Temporal Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each level of temporal nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records is.For example, Level 1 are seasons Level 2 are months within seasons String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceTemporalNumberCategoriesPerNestedClusterLevel Surveillance Activity Animal Source Temporal Number Categories Per Nested Cluster Level Description of the number of Categories per each level of temporal nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records. For example, Level 1 contains 4 seasons; in Level 2, season 1 contains 3 months, season 2 contains 3 months, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordsPerTemporalNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Animal Source Records Per Temporal Nested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Animal Source Records per each category of each temporal cluster level Animaling Animal Source Records known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourcePerTemporalNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Animal Source per Temporal Nested Cluster Category Description of the number of Animal Sources Records per each category of each temporal cluster level Animaling Animal Source Records. For example, 3 Animal Source Records for season 1 that include 3 Animal Sources during each of the 3 months for a total of 9 Animal Sources Records per season. The time frame between each visit to a neighboor within a single visit to a city is 2 days String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceTemporalNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Animal Source Temporal Nested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do temporal nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceTemporalNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Animal Source Temporal Nested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of temporal nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceRecordTemporalNonNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Animal Source Record Temporal NonNested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Animal Source Records of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered in non-nested Animals?' For example, Animal Source Records are clustered by date of the year and also by decade Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceNumberTemporalNonNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Animal Source Number Temporal NonNested Clusters The number of temporal non-nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceTemporalNonNestedClustersRepresent Surveillance Activity Animal Source Temporal NonNested Clusters Represent Description of what each temporal non-nested cluster Animaling Animal Source Records is. For example, Cluster 1 are dates of the year and cluster 2 are decades String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceTemporalNumberCategoriesPerNonNestedCluster Surveillance Activity Animal Source Temporal Number Categories Per NonNested Cluster Description of the number of Categories per each non-nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records. For example, date of the year contains 365 options; decade contains 10 years, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourcePerTemporalNonNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Animal Source per Temporal NonNested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Animal Source Records per each category within eachtemporal non-nested cluster Animaling Animal Source Records known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourcePerTemporalNonNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Animal Source per Temporal NonNested Cluster Category Description of the Animal Source Records per each category of the non-nested temporal clusters Animaling Animal Source Records. For example, 1 Animal Source Record for each date of the year and 365 Animal Source Records per year of the decade String No
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceTemporalNonNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Animal Source Temporal NonNested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do temporal non-nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceTemporalNonNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Animal Source Temporal NonNested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of temporal non-nested clusters Animaling Animal Source Records not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityAnimalSourceTemporalClustersFileProvided Surveillance Activity Animal Source Temporal Clusters File Provided Answer to the question: 'Is a file containing the list of nested, non-nested, or both types of temporal clusters Animaling Animal Source Records and their corresponding categories provided in a file?' Boolean Yes

Surveillance Activity - Environmental Source

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceNumber Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Number The full number of Environmental Sources targeted in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceRecordsNumber Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Records Number The full number of Environmental Source Records of the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordsIncluded Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source New Records Included Answer to the question: 'Are Environmental Source Records from New Environmental sources part of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., collection of data from new Environmental Sources)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceCodeStructure Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of the new Environmental Source Codes of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, and then the number is the sequential number of the Environmental Source') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceLocationPreviousSurveillanceActivities Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Locations in Previous Surveillance Activities Answer to the question: 'Have any of the Locations where Environmental Source are placed in the Surveillance Activity been included in previous Suveillance Activities Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceLocationPreviousProjectCodes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Locations in Previous Project Codes The codes of previous Projects containing the Locations where Environmental Source are placed in the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceLocationPreviousSurveillanceActivitiesCodes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Locations in Previous Surveillance Activities The codes of previous Surveillance Activities containing the Locations where Environmental Source are placed in the current Surveillance Activities String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceLocationUnitOfInterest Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Location Unit of Interest Answer to the question: 'Are the Locations where Environmental Source are placed a unit of interest in the Surveillance Activity (e.g., parcels where water is collected from)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceLocationDefinition Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Location Definition Description of what the Locations where Environmental Sources are placed represent (e.g., a parcel, an zone of a proteced area, a city, etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceLocationList Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Location List A list with the Location names or codes where Environmental Sources are placed in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceLocationSpatialFileProvided Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Location Spatial File Provided Answer to the question: 'Has a file with the spatial data and other relevant attributes of the Locations where Environmental Source are placed in the Surveillance Activity been provided?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceLocationPolygonProjection Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Location Polygon Projection The projection of the spatial data of the Locations in the file provided String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceLocationOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Location Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve tracking other properties of the Locations where Environmental Sources are placed not included in the the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceLocationListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Location Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of Locations where Environmental Sources are placed not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePlannedVisitsPerLocation Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Planned Visits Per Location The number of planned visits per Location where Environmental Source are placed in the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceEventNumberPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Event Number Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Events per Location where new Environmental Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceEventNumberPerLocation Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Event Number Per Location The total number of Events per Location where new Environmental Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceCollectionNumberPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Collection Number Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Collections per Location where new Environmental Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceCollectionNumberPerLocation Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Collection Number Per Location the total number of Collections per Location where new Environmental Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceNumberPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Number Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Environmental Source per Location included in the Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceNumberPerLocation Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Number Per Location The total number of Environmental Sources per Location included in the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordsNumberPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Records Number Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Environmental Source Records targeted per Location where new Environmental Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordsNumberPerLocation Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Records Number Per Location The total number of Environmental Source Records targeted per Location where new Environmental Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordsNumberPerVisitPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Records Number Per Visit to a Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Environmental Source Records targeted per visit to each Location where new Environmental Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordsNumberPerVisitPerLocation Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Records Number Per Visit per Location The total number of Environmental Source Records targeted per visit to each Location where new Environmental Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceEventDefinition Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Event Definition Description of what the Events where Environmental Source Records are collected from (e.g., a house, a cave, a tree, etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalEventIncludesAnimalSources Surveillance Activity Event Environmental Source Includes Animal Sources Answer to the question: Do Events with Environmental Source records include records of Animal Sources? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalEventIncludesGroupSources Surveillance Activity Event Environmental Source Includes Group Sources Answer to the question: Do Events with Environmental Source records include records of Group Sources? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalEventIncludesArthropodSources Surveillance Activity Event Environmental Source Event Includes Arthropod Sources Answer to the question: Do Events with Environmental Source records include records of Arthropod Sources? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalEventOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Event Environmental Source Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Are there other properties of interest of the Events containing Environmental Source Records that are not include in the the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalEventListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Event Environmental Source Definition Other Attributes Description of other attributes of interest for the Events containing Environmental Source Records not included in the data model?' String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceCollectionNumberPerEventKnown Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Collection Number Per Event Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Collections targeting Environmental Sources per Event known? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceCollectionNumberPerEvent Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Collection Number Per Event The total number of Collections targeting Environmental Sources per Event. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordsNumberPerEventKnown Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Records Number Per Event Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Environmental Source Records targeted per Event known? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordsNumberPerEvent Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Records Number Per Event The total number of Environmental Source Records targeted per Event. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePassiveCollection Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Passive Collection Answer to the question:'Are Environmental Source Records obtained through a passive collection strategy (e.g., citizen reports, information from news outlets)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceActiveCollection Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Active Collection Answer to the question:'Are Environmental Source Records obtained through an active collection strategy (e.g., camera traps, mosquito traps, patrolling, transect, mist nets, observation periods, land exploration, etc.)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceCollectionMethod Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Collection Method Description of the Collection methods used to obtain new Environmental Source Records (e.g., pair of mist nets placed in X for Y hours in S sites every M months under a bat roost ans blood samples re collected using ... etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceCollectionMethodReferences Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Collection Method References Name the references supporting the methods used to collect the new Environmental Source Records String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceActiveCollectionMethodExpectedEffort Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Active Collection Expected Effort Expected Effort of the Active Collection Methods to obtain Environmental Source Records String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceCollectionRecordsOtherSourceTypes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Collection Records Other Source Types Answer to the question: 'Do Collections targeting Environmental Source Records also target other Source types?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceCollectionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Collection Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve tracking other properties of Collections to obtain Environmental Source Records not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceCollectionListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Collection Definition Other Attributes Description of other attributes of interest for the Collections targeting Environmental Source Records not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordsNumberPerCollectionKnown Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Records Number Per Collection Known Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Environmental Source Records per Collection targeting Environmental Sources known? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordsNumberPerCollection Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Records Number Per Collection The total number of Environmental Sources Records per Collection. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePreDetermined Surveillance Activity Environmental Source PreDetermined Answer to the question: 'Are the Environmental Sources to be included in the Surveillace Activity predetemined?' (the opposite option is to determine them opportunistically during a Field Visit) Single selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePreviousSurveillanceActivities Surveillance Activity Environmental Source in Previous Surveillance Activities Answer to the question: 'Have any of the Environmental Sources of the Surveillance Activity been included in previous Suveillance Activities Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePreviousProjectCodes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Previous Project Codes The codes of previous Projects containing the Environmental Sources included in the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePreviousSurveillanceActivitiesCodes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Previous Surveillance Activity Codes The codes of previous Surveillance Activities containing the Environmental Sources included in the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceList Surveillance Activity Environmental Source List A list with the names or codes of the Environmental Source included in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceHowDefined Surveillance Activity Environmental Source How Defined Description of the process to select the Environmental Sources included in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceIdentificationMethod Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Identification Method The methodology used to identify the Environmental Sources included in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceIdentificationMethodReferences Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Identification Method References References methodology used to identify the Environmental Sources included in Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceInclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria to include Environmental Sources in the Surveillance Activity, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceExclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria to exclude Environmental Sources from the Surveillance Activity, if any String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceFollowedOverTime Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Followed Over Time Answer to the question: 'Are Environmental Sources followed during the Surveillance Activity and Source Records obtained over time?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceFollowedOverTimeFrequecy Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Followed Over Time Frequency Description of the frequency that Environmental Source will be examined String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePlannedVisitsPerSource Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Planned Visits Per Source The number of planned visits per Environmental Source of the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve tracking other properties of Environmental Sources not included in the the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceListDefinitionOtherAtttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Definition Other Attributes Description of other attributes of interest for the Environmental Sources not included in the the data model?' String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatiaFileProvided Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial File Provided Answer to the question: 'Has a file with the spatial data and other relevant attributes of the Environmental Sources in the Surveillance Activity been provided?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceProjection Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Projection The projection of the spatial data of the Environmental Sources in the file provided String Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousEnvironmentalSourceNewRecords Surveillance Activity Previous Environmental Source New Records Answer to the question: 'Do Environmental Sources that have been included in previous Surveillance Activities generate new records for the current Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousEnvironmentalSourceProjectID Surveillance Activity Previous Environmental Source Project ID The code of the Projects under which Environmental Sources included in the current Surveillance Activity were previously included Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousEnvironmentalSourceSurveillanceActivityID Surveillance Activity Previous Environmental Source SurveillanceActivity ID The code of the Surveillance Activites under which Environmental Sources included in the current Surveillance Activity were previously included Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousEnvironmentalSourceInclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Previous Environmental Source Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of previous Environmental Sources, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousEnvironmentalSourceExclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Previous Environmental Source Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of previous Environmental Sources, if any String No
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordInclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Records Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of new Environmental Source Records, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordExclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Records Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of new Environmental Source Records, if any String No
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordCodeStructure Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Record Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of new Environmental Source Record Codes of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, the number is the sequential number of the Environmental Sourcein the Surveillance Activity code, and the number is the sequential number of the Environmental SourceRecord') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordAbiotic Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Record Abiotic Answer to the question: 'Do new Environmental Source Records of the Surveillance Activity include abiotic tissue?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordAbioticTissueType Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Record Abiotic Tissue Type The type of abiotic tissue of the new Environmental Source Records of the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordBiotic Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Record Biotic Answer to the question: 'Do new Environmental Source Records of the Surveillance Activity include Biotic tissue?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordBioticTissueType Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Record Biotic Tissue Type The type of biotic tissue of the new Environmental Source Records of the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordBioticSpecies Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Record Biotic Species Species sourcing the biotic tissue of the new Environmental Sources Records of the Surveillance Activity. It is possible to select high taxonomy levels such as 'Mammalia', 'Chordata', 'Insecta', etc. to indicate that no particular species is targeted or when the species is unknown Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordSpeciesIdentification Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Record Species Identification Method Answer to the question: 'Are the species sourcing new biotic Environmental Source Records identified'? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordSpeciesIdentificationMethod Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Record Species Identification Method The methodology used to identify the species sourcing the new biotic Environmental Source Record String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordSpeciesIdentificationMethodReferences Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Record Species Identification Method References The referecnes associated with the methodology used to identify the species sourcing the new biotic Environmental Source Record String No
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordsNumberPerSourceKnown Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Event Number Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of new Environmental Source Records per Source where new Environmental Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceRecordsNumberPerSource Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Records Number Per Source The total number of new Environmental Source Records per Source where new Environmental Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalStoredSpecimen Surveillance Activity Stored Environmental Source Specimens Answer to the question: 'Are stored Environmental Sources Specimens of previous Surveillance Activities included in the current Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalStoredSpecimenProjectOrigin Surveillance Activity Stored Environmental Source Specimens Project Origin The code of the Projects under which stored Environmental Source Specimens included in the current Surveillance Activity were originated Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalStoredSpecimenSurveillanceActivity Surveillance Activity Stored Environmental Source Specimens Surveillance Activity Origin The code of the Surveillance Activities under which stored Environmental Source Specimens included in the current Surveillance Activity were originated Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSpecimen Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Specimens Answer to the question: 'In the current Surveillance Activity, are new Specimens generated from Environmental Sources?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSpecimenCodeStructure Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Specimens Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of the new Environmental Source Record Specimen Codes of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, the number is the sequential number of the Environmental Source in the Surveillance Activity code, and the number is the sequential number of the Environmental Source Record and finally a sequential letter for the specimen') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenPerEnvironmentalSourceRecordKnown Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Specimens Per Record Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of new Environmental Specimens targeted per Environmental Source Record obtained during the Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenPerEnvironmentalSourceRecord Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Specimens Per Record The total number of Environmental Specimens targeted per Environmental Source Record obtained during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenCreationMethod Surveillance Activity New Specimens Environmental Source Creation Method Description how new Environmental Specimen are created from the Environmental Source Record String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenCreationMethodReferences Surveillance Activity New Specimens Environmental Source Creation Method References The references associated with the method to generate new Environmental Specimens from Environmental Source Records String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenInclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimens Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of Environmental Source Specimens, in the Surveillance Activity, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenExclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimens Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of Environmental Source Specimens, in the Surveillance Activity, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceSpecimensFieldStorage Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Specimens Field Storage Method to store the new Environmental Source Specimens while in the field under the current Surveillance Activity Mutiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewEnvironmentalSourceSpecimensLabStorage Surveillance Activity New Environmental Source Specimens Laboratory Storage Method to store the new Environmental Source Specimens collected in the laboratory under the current Surveillance Activity Mutiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenPooling Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen Pooling Answer to the question: 'Are Environmental Source Specimens included in the current Surveillance Activity pooled?' (for a definition of 'pooling' in the database see the online database manual) Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenPoolingStrategy Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen Pooling Strategy Explaination of the method to pool Environmental Source Specimens used in the current Surveillance Activity (for a definition of 'pooling' in the database see the online database manual) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenHazardType Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen Targeted Hazard Type The types of hazards targeted during the Surveillance Activity in Environmental Source Specimens Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenHazardNames Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen Targeted Hazard Names The names of the hazards targeted during the Surveillance Activity in Environmental Source Specimens Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenNewDiagnostics Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Environmental New Diagnostics Answer to the question: 'Are new Diagnostics conducted with the Environmental Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenNewDiagnosticsProtocol Surveillance Activity Environmental Source New Diagnostics Protocol Description of the Diagnostic protocols conducted with the Environmental Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenNewDiagnosticsProtocolReferences Surveillance Activity Environmental Source New Diagnostics Protocol References References associated with the Diagnostic protocols conducted with the Environmental Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenNewDiagnosticsProducts Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen New Diagnostic Products Answer to the question: 'Are new Diagnostic Products created as result of the Diagnostics conducted with the Environmental Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceSpecimenCriteriaPositiveDiagnostic Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen Criteria Positive Diagnostic Criteria to establish that each Diagnostic test applied to an Environmental Source Specimen is positive (Diagnostic case definition) String Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceSpecimenCriteriaPositiveDiagnosticReferences Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen Criteria Positive Diagnostic References References associated with the criteria to establish that each Diagnostic test applied to an Environmental Source Specimen is positive String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenCriteriaPositiveCase Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen Criteria Positive Case Criteria to establish that a Environmental Source Specimen is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity (positive Specimen case definition) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenCriteriaPositiveCaseReferences Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen Criteria Positive Case References References associated with the criteria to establish that an Animal Source Specimen is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceRecordCriteriaPositiveCase Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Record Criteria Positive Case Explain the criteria to establish that an Environmental Source Record is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity (positive Environmental SourceRecord case definition) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceRecordCriteriaPositiveCaseReferences Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Record Criteria Positive Case References References associated with the criteria to establish that an Environmental Source Record is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenDiagnosticInterpretation Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen Diagnostic Interpretation Answer to the question: 'Are Diagnostics conducted in Environmental Source Specimens Interpreted as part of the Surveillance Activity?' boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenDiagnosticInterpretationBy Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen Diagnostic Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of the Diagnostic conducted in Environmental Source Specimens Single selection No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenInterpretation Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen Interpretation Answer to the question: 'Does the presence of targeted hazards in Environmental Source Specimens receive an Interpretation as part of the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpecimenInterpretationBy Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Specimen Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of targeted hazards in Environmental SourceSpecimens Single selection No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceRecordInterpretation Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Record Interpretation Answer to the question: 'Does the presence of targeted hazards in Environmental Source Records receive an Interpretation as part of the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceRecordInterpretationBy Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Record Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of the Environmental Source Records with respect to the presence of targeted hazards Single selection No

Surveillance Activity - Environmental Source Records Clustering

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceClustering Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Environmental Sources of the Surveillance Activity clustered?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialClustering Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Environmental Sources of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered (in nested or non-nested clusters)? For example, Environmental Sources represent ponds and ponds are clustered by protected areas Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Environmental Sources of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered in nested levels?' For example, Environmental Sources are ponds and ponds are clustered by protected areas Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialNumberLevelsNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Number Levels Nested Clusters The number of spatial nested cluster levels grouping Environmental Sources Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialNestedClusterLevelsRepresent Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each level of spatial nested cluster grouping Environmental Sources is. For example, Level 1 are protected areas Level 2 are grid cells within areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialNumberCategoriesPerNestedClusterLevel Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Number Categories Per Nested Cluster Level Description of the number of Categories per each level of nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources. For example, Level 1 contains 4 areas; in Level 2, area 1 contains 20 grid cells, area 2 contains 15 grid cells, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePerSpatialNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Environmental Sources Per Spatial Nested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Environmental Sources per each category within each spatial nested cluster grouping Environmental Sources known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePerSpatialNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Per Spatial Nested Cluster Category Description of the Environmental Sources per each category of nested spatial clusters grouping Environmental Sources. For example, 3 Environmental Sources per grid cell and the total number of grid cells is ten for a total of 30 Environmental Sources String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Nested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do spatial nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Nested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of spatial nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialNonNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Non Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Environmental Sources of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered in non-nested groups?' For example, Environmental Sources are grouped by cities and also by zip codes Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialNumberNonNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Number Non Nested Clustering The number of non-nested spatial clusters grouping Environmental Sources Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialNonNestedClusterRepresent Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Non Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each spatial non-nested cluster grouping Environmental Sources is. For example, cluster 1 are grid cells cluster 2 are fenological areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialNumberCategoriesPerNonNestedCluster Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Number Categories Per Non Nested Cluster Description of the number of Categories per each non-nested cluster grouping Environmental Sources. For example, cluster 1 contains 20 cells; cluster 2 contains 2 fenological areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePerSpatialNonNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Per Spatial Number Categories Per Non Nested Cluster Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Environmental Sources per each category of each spatial non-nested cluster grouping Environmental Sources known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePerSpatialNonNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Per Spatial Non Nested Cluster Category The number of Environmental Sources per each category of each spatial non-nested cluster that are grouping Environmental Sources String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialNonNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial NonNested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do spatial non-nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialNonNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial NonNested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of spatial non-nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialClustersFileProvided Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Clusters File Provided Answer to the question: 'Is a file containing the list of nested, non-nested, or both types of spatial clusters grouping Environmental Sources and their corresponding categories provided in a file?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceSpatialClustersSpatialProjection Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Spatial Clusters Spatial Projection The spatial projection of the spatial nested and non-nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources provided in the file String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceTemporalClustering Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Temporal Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Environmental Sources of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered (in nested or non-nested clusters)? For example, Environmental Sources are clustered by decade and month over the years Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceTemporalNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Temporal Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Environmental Sources of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered in nested levels?' For example, Environmental Sources are clustered by month and then months are clustered by year Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceNumberTemporalNestedClustersLevels Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Number Temporal Nested Clusters Levels The number of levels of temporal nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceTemporalNestedClusterLevelsRepresent Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Temporal Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each level of temporal nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources is. For example, Level 1 are seasons Level 2 are months within seasons String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceTemporalNumberCategoriesPerNestedClusterLevel Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Temporal Number Categories Per Nested Cluster Level Description of the number of Categories per each level of temporal nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources. For example, Level 1 contains 4 seasons; in Level 2, season 1 contains 3 months, season 2 contains 3 months, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePerTemporalNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Per Temporal Nested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Environmental Sources per each category of each temporal cluster level grouping Environmental Sources known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePerTemporalNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Environmental Source per Temporal Nested Cluster Category Description of the number of Environmental Sources per each category of each temporal cluster level grouping Environmental Sources. For example, 3 Environmental Sources for season 1 that include 3 Environmental Sources during each of the 3 months for a total of 9 Environmental Sources per season. The time frame between each visit to a neighboor within a single visit to a city is 2 days String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceTemporalNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Temporal Nested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do temporal nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceTemporalNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Temporal Nested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of temporal nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceTemporalNonNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Temporal NonNested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Environmental Sources of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered in non-nested groups?' For example, Environmental Sources are clustered by date of the year and also by decade Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceNumberTemporalNonNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Number Temporal NonNested Clusters The number of temporal non-nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceTemporalNonNestedClustersRepresent Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Temporal NonNested Clusters Represent Description of what each temporal non-nested cluster grouping Environmental Sources is. For example, Cluster 1 are dates of the year and cluster 2 are decades String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceTemporalNumberCategoriesPerNonNestedCluster Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Temporal Number Categories Per NonNested Cluster Description of the number of Categories per each non-nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources. For example, date of the year contains 365 options; decade contains 10 years, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePerTemporalNonNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Environmental Source per Temporal NonNested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Environmental Sources per each category within each temporal non-nested cluster grouping Environmental Sources known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourcePerTemporalNonNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Environmental Source per Temporal NonNested Cluster Category Description of the Environmental Sources per each category of the non-nested temporal clusters grouping Environmental Sources. For example, 1 Environmental Source for each date of the year and 365 Environmental Sources per year of the decade String No
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceTemporalNonNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Temporal NonNested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do temporal non-nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceTemporalNonNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Temporal NonNested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of temporal non-nested clusters grouping Environmental Sources not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSourceTemporalClustersFileProvided Surveillance Activity Environmental Source Temporal Clusters File Provided Answer to the question: 'Is a file containing the list of nested, non-nested, or both types of temporal clusters grouping Environmental Sources and their corresponding categories provided in a file?' Boolean Yes

Surveillance Activity - Arthropod Source

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceNumber Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Number The full number of Arthropod Sources targeted in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourcesRecordsIncluded Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Records Included Answer to the question: 'Are new Arthropod Source Records part of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., new collection of data from Arthropod Sources)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceCodeStructure Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of the new Arthropod Source Codes of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, and then the number is the sequential number of the Arthropod Source') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceLocationPreviousSurveillanceActivities Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Locations in Previous Surveillance Activities Answer to the question: 'Have any of the Locations where Arthropod Source are placed in the Surveillance Activity been included in previous Suveillance Activities Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceLocationPreviousProjectCodes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Locations in Previous Project Codes The codes of previous Projects containing the Locations where Arthropod Source are placed in the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceLocationPreviousSurveillanceActivitiesCodes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Locations in Previous Surveillance Activities The codes of previous Surveillance Activities containing the Locations where Arthropod Source are placed in the current Surveillance Activities String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceLocationUnitOfInterest Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Location Unit of Interest Answer to the question: 'Are the Locations where Arthropod Source are placed a unit of interest in the Surveillance Activity (e.g., parcels where water is collected from)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceLocationDefinition Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Location Definition Description of what the Locations where Arthropod Sources are placed represent (e.g., a parcel, an zone of a proteced area, a city, etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceLocationList Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Location List A list with the Location names or codes where Arthropod Sources are placed in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceLocationSpatialFileProvided Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Location Spatial File Provided Answer to the question: 'Has a file with the spatial data and other relevant attributes of the Locations where Arthropod Source are placed in the Surveillance Activity been provided?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceLocationPolygonProjection Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Location Polygon Projection The projection of the spatial data of the Locations in the file provided String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceLocationOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Location Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve tracking other properties of the Locations where Arthropod Sources are placed not included in the the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceLocationListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Location Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of Locations where Arthropod Sources are placed not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePlannedVisitsPerLocation Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Planned Visits Per Location The number of planned visits per Location where Arthropod Source are placed in the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceEventNumberPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Event Number Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Events per Location where new Arthropod Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceEventNumberPerLocation Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Event Number Per Location The total number of Events per Location where new Arthropod Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceCollectionNumberPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Collection Number Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Collections per Location where new Arthropod Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceCollectionNumberPerLocation Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Collection Number Per Location the total number of Collections per Location where new Arthropod Source Records are obtained from during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceNumberPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Number Per Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Arthropod Source per Location included in the Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceNumberPerLocation Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Number Per Location The total number of Arthropod Sources per Location included in the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceNumberPerVisitPerLocationKnown Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Number Per Visit to a Location Known Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Arthropod Sources to be included per visit to each Location where Arthropod Sources are placed during the Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePerVisitPerLocation Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Per Visit per Location The number of Arthropod Sources to be included per visit to each Location where Arthropod Sources are placed during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceEventDefinition Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Event Definition Description of what the Events where Arthropod Source Records are collected from (e.g., a house, a cave, a tree, etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodEventIncludesAnimalSources Surveillance Activity Event Arthropod Source Includes Animal Sources Answer to the question: Do Events with Arthropod Source records include Records of Animal Sources? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodEventIncludesGroupSources Surveillance Activity Event Arthropod Source Includes Group Sources Answer to the question: Do Events with Arthropod Source records include Records of Group Sources? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodEventIncludesEnvironmentalSources Surveillance Activity Event Arthropod Source Event Includes Environmental Sources Answer to the question: Do Events with Arthropod Source records include Records of Environmental Sources? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodEventOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Event Arthropod Source Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Are there other properties of interest of the Events containing Arthropod Source Records that are not include in the the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodEventListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Event Arthropod Source Definition Other Attributes Description of other attributes of interest for the Events containing Arthropod Source Records not included in the data model?' String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceCollectionNumberPerEventKnown Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Collection Number Per Event Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of Collections targeting Arthropod Sources per Event known? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceCollectionNumberPerEvent Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Collection Number Per Event The total number of Collections targeting Arthropod Sources per Event. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePassiveCollection Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Passive Collection Answer to the question:'Are Arthropod Source Records obtained through a passive collection strategy (e.g., citizen reports, information from news outlets)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePassiveCollectionTargetedSpecies Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Passive Collection Targeted Species The arthropod species targeted through passive Collection in the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePassiveCollectionTargetedDevelopmentStage Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Passive Collection Targeted Development Stage The development stage of the arthropod species targeted through passive Collection in the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePassiveCollectionMethod Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Passive Collection Method Description of the methods to collect arthropods passively during the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePassiveCollectionLure Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Passive Collection Lure Answer to the question: 'Any lure used in the passive Collection methods?' String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePassiveCollectionLureType Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Passive Collection Lure The types of lure used in the passive Collection methods Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceActiveCollection Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Active Collection Answer to the question:'Are Arthropod Source Records obtained through an active collection strategy (e.g., camera traps, mosquito traps, patrolling, transect, mist nets, observation periods, land exploration, etc.)?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceActiveCollectionTargetedSpecies Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Active Collection Targeted Species The arthropod species targeted through active Collection in the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceActiveCollectionTargetedDevelopmentStage Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Active Collection Targeted Development Stage The development stage of the arthropod species targeted through active Collection in the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceActiveCollectionMethod Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Active Collection Method Description of the Collection methods used to actively obtain new Arthropod Source Records (e.g., pair of mist nets placed in X for Y hours in S sites every M months under a bat roost ans blood samples re collected using ... etc.) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceActiveCollectionTrapTypes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Active Collection Trap Types The traps types used to actively collect arthropods in the Surveillance Activity Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceActiveCollectionLure Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Active Collection Lure Answer to the question: 'Any lure used in the active Collection methods?' String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceActiveCollectionLureType Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Active Collection Lure The types of lure used in the active Collection methods Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceActiveCollectionMethodReferences Surveillance Activity Arthropod Active Source Collection Method References Name the references supporting the methods used to actively collect the arthropods String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceActiveCollectionMethodExpectedEffort Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Active Collection Expected Effort Expected Effort of the active Collection Methods to obtain Arthropod Source Records String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceCollectionRecordsOtherSourceTypes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Collection Records Other Source Types Answer to the question: 'Do Collections targeting arthropods also target other Source types?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceCollectionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Collection Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve tracking other properties of Collections to obtain Arthropod Source Records not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceCollectionListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Collection Definition Other Attributes Description of other attributes of interest for the Collections targeting Arthropod Source Records not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePreDetermined Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source PreDetermined Answer to the question: 'Are the Arthropod Sources to be included in the Surveillace Activity predetemined?' (the opposite option is to determine them opportunistically during a Field Visit) Single selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePreviousSurveillanceActivities Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source in Previous Surveillance Activities Answer to the question: 'Have any of the Arthropod Sources of the Surveillance Activity been included in previous Suveillance Activities Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePreviousProjectCodes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Previous Project Codes The codes of previous Projects containing the Arthropod Sources included in the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePreviousSurveillanceActivitiesCodes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Previous Surveillance Activity Codes The codes of previous Surveillance Activities containing the Arthropod Sources included in the current Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceList Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source List A list with the names or codes of the Arthropod Source included in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceHowDefined Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source How Defined Description of the process to select the Arthropod Sources included in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceIdentificationMethod Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Identification Method The methodology used to identify the Arthropod Sources included in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceIdentificationMethodReferences Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Identification Method References References methodology used to identify the Arthropod Sources included in Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceInclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria to include Arthropod Sources in the Surveillance Activity, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceExclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria to exclude Arthropod Sources from the Surveillance Activity, if any String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceFollowedOverTime Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Followed Over Time Answer to the question: 'Are Arthropod Sources followed during the Surveillance Activity and Source Records obtained over time?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceFollowedOverTimeFrequecy Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Followed Over Time Frequency Description of the frequency that Arthropod Source will be examined String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePlannedVisitsPerSource Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Planned Visits Per Source The number of planned visits per Arthropod Source of the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Does the Surveillance Activity involve tracking other properties of Arthropod Sources not included in the the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceListDefinitionOtherAtttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Definition Other Attributes Description of other attributes of interest for the Arthropod Sources not included in the the data model?' String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatiaFileProvided Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial File Provided Answer to the question: 'Has a file with the spatial data and other relevant attributes of the Arthropod Sources in the Surveillance Activity been provided?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceProjection Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Projection The projection of the spatial data of the Arthropod Sources in the file provided String Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousArthropodSource Surveillance Activity Previous Arthropod Source Answer to the question: 'Are there Arthropod Sources included in the current Surveillance Activities that have been included in previous Surveillance Activities?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousArthropodSourceProjectID Surveillance Activity Previous Arthropod Source Project ID The code of the Projects under which Arthropod Sources included in the current Surveillance Activity were previously included Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousArthropodSourceSurveillanceActivityID Surveillance Activity Previous Arthropod Source SurveillanceActivity ID The code of the Surveillance Activites under which Arthropod Sources included in the current Surveillance Activity were previously included Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousArthropodSourceInclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Previous Arthropod Source Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of previous Arthropod Sources, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityPreviousArthropodSourceExclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Previous Arthropod Source Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of previous Arthropod Sources, if any String No
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordCodeStructure Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Record Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of new Arthropod Source Record Codes of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, the number is the sequential number of the Arthropod Sourcein the Surveillance Activity code, and the number is the sequential number of the Arthropod SourceRecord') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordSpeciesIdentification Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Record Species Identification Answer to the question: 'Are the Arthropod species in the new Arthropod Source Records identified'? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordSpeciesIdentificationMethod Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Record Species Identification Method The methodology used to identify the Arthropod species in the new Arthropod Source Records String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordSpeciesIdentificationMethodReferences Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Record Species Identification Method References The references associated with the methodology used to identify the Arthropod species in the new Arthropod Source Records String No
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordCount Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Record Count Answer to the question: 'Are the arthropods in the new Arthropod Source Record counted'? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordCountbySpecies Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Record Count By Species Answer to the question: 'Are the arthropods in the new Arthropod Source Record counted by species'? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordCountMethod Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Record Count Method The methodology used to count the Arthropods in the new Arthropod Source Records String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordCountExact Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Record Count Exact Answer to the question: 'Is the count of the arthropods in the new Arthropod Source Record exact (e.g., 1,678 mosquitoes)'? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordCountEstimated Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Record Count Estimated Answer to the question: 'Is the count of the arthropods in the new Arthropod Source Record estimated (e.g., between 500 - 1000)'? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordPresenceAbsence Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Record Presence Absence Answer to the question: 'Are arthropod species in the new Source Records reported as present'? Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordInclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Record Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria to include Arthropod Source Records in the Surveillance Activity, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordExclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Record Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria to exclude Arthropod Source Records from the Surveillance Activity, if any String No
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordFieldStorage Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Records Field Storage Method to store the new Arthropod Source Records while in the field under the current Surveillance Activity Mutiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceRecordLaboratoryStorage Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Records Laboratory Storage Method to store the new Arthropod Source Records collected in the laboratory under the current Surveillance Activity Mutiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodStoredSpecimen Surveillance Activity Stored Arthropod Source Specimens Answer to the question: 'Are stored Arthropod Sources Specimens of previous Surveillance Activities included in the current Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodStoredSpecimenProjectOrigin Surveillance Activity Stored Arthropod Source Specimens Project Origin The code of the Projects under which stored Arthropod Source Specimens included in the current Surveillance Activity were originated Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodStoredSpecimenSurveillanceActivity Surveillance Activity Stored Arthropod Source Specimens Surveillance Activity Origin The code of the Surveillance Activities under which stored Arthropod Source Specimens included in the current Surveillance Activity were originated Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSpecimen Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Specimens Answer to the question: 'In the current Surveillance Activity, are new Specimens generated from Arthropod Sources?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSpecimenCodeStructure Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Specimens Code Structure Explain the nomenclature of the new Arthropod Source Record Specimen Codes of the Surveillance Activity (e.g., 'first letter refers to the pathogen, the next two letters refer to the country, the next letter refers to the taxonomic group, the number is the sequential number of the Arthropod Source in the Surveillance Activity code, and the number is the sequential number of the Arthropod Source Record and finally a sequential letter for the specimen') String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceSpecimenPerArthropodSourceRecordKnown Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Specimens Per Record Known Answer to the question: 'Is the total number of new Arthropod Specimens per Arthropod Source Record obtained during the Surveillance Activity known?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceSpecimenPerArthropodSourceRecord Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Specimens Per Record The total number of Arthropod Specimens per Arthropod Source Record obtained during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X' are accepted resposes String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceSpecimenNumberArthropods Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Specimens Number Arthropods The number of arthropods pero Arthropod Specimens created during the Surveillance Activity. An unknown number, 'at least X', or 'at most X', and ranges are accepted resposes. Describe teh number by arthropod species if necessary String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceSpecimenCreationMethod Surveillance Activity New Specimens Arthropod Source Creation Method Description how new Arthropod Specimen are created from the Arthropod Source Record String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceSpecimenCreationMethodReferences Surveillance Activity New Specimens Arthropod Source Creation Method References The references associated with the method to generate new Arthropod Specimens from Arthropod Source Records String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenInclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimens Inclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the inclusion of Arthropod Source Specimens, in the Surveillance Activity, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenExclusionCriteria Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimens Exclusion Criteria The specific criteria for the exclusion of Arthropod Source Specimens, in the Surveillance Activity, if any String Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceSpecimenFieldStorage Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Specimens Field Storage Method to store the new Arthropod Source Specimens while in the field under the current Surveillance Activity Mutiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityNewArthropodSourceSpecimenLabStorage Surveillance Activity New Arthropod Source Specimens Laboratory Storage Method to store the new Arthropod Source Specimens in the laboratory under the current Surveillance Activity Mutiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenPooling Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen Pooling Answer to the question: 'Are Arthropod Source Specimens included in the current Surveillance Activity pooled?' (for a definition of 'pooling' in the database see the online database manual) Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenPoolingStrategy Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen Pooling Strategy Explaination of the method to pool Arthropod Source Specimens used in the current Surveillance Activity (for a definition of 'pooling' in the database see the online database manual) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenHazardType Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen Targeted Hazard Type The types of hazards targeted during the Surveillance Activity in Arthropod Source Specimens Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenHazardNames Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen Targeted Hazard Names The names of the hazards targeted during the Surveillance Activity in Arthropod Source Specimens Multiple selection Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenNewDiagnostics Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Arthropod New Diagnostics Answer to the question: 'Are new Diagnostics conducted with the Arthropod Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenNewDiagnosticsProtocol Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source New Diagnostics Protocol Description of the Diagnostic protocols conducted with the Arthropod Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenNewDiagnosticsProtocolReferences Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source New Diagnostics Protocol References References associated with the Diagnostic protocols conducted with the Arthropod Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenNewDiagnosticsProducts Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen New Diagnostic Products Answer to the question: 'Are new Diagnostic Products created as result of the Diagnostics conducted with the Arthropod Source Specimens included in the Surveillance Activity Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceSpecimenCriteriaPositiveDiagnostic Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen Criteria Positive Diagnostic Criteria to establish that each Diagnostic test applied to an Arthropod Source Specimen is positive (Diagnostic case definition) String Yes
SurveillanceActivitySourceSpecimenCriteriaPositiveDiagnosticReferences Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen Criteria Positive Diagnostic References References associated with the criteria to establish that each Diagnostic test applied to an Arthropod Source Specimen is positive String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenCriteriaPositiveCase Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen Criteria Positive Case Criteria to establish that a Arthropod Source Specimen is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity (positive Specimen case definition) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenCriteriaPositiveCaseReferences Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen Criteria Positive Case References References associated with the criteria to establish that an Animal Source Specimen is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceRecordCriteriaPositiveCase Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Record Criteria Positive Case Explain the criteria to establish that an Arthropod Source Record is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity (positive Arthropod SourceRecord case definition) String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceRecordCriteriaPositiveCaseReferences Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Record Criteria Positive Case References References associated with the criteria to establish that an Arthropod Source Record is positive for each specific hazard targeted in the Surveillance Activity String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenDiagnosticInterpretation Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen Diagnostic Interpretation Answer to the question: 'Are Diagnostics conducted in Arthropod Source Specimens Interpreted as part of the Surveillance Activity?' boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenDiagnosticInterpretationBy Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen Diagnostic Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of the Diagnostic conducted in Arthropod Source Specimens Single selection No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenInterpretation Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen Interpretation Answer to the question: 'Does the presence of targeted hazards in Arthropod Source Specimens receive an Interpretation as part of the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpecimenInterpretationBy Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Specimen Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of targeted hazards in Arthropod SourceSpecimens Single selection No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceRecordInterpretation Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Record Interpretation Answer to the question: 'Does the presence of targeted hazards in Arthropod Source Records receive an Interpretation as part of the Surveillance Activity?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceRecordInterpretationBy Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Record Interpretation by The individual providing the Interpretation of the Arthropod Source Records with respect to the presence of targeted hazards Single selection No

Surveillance Activity - Arthropod Source Records Clustering

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceClustering Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Arthropod Sources of the Surveillance Activity clustered?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialClustering Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Arthropod Sources of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered (in nested or non-nested clusters)? For example, Arthropod Sources represent ponds and ponds are clustered by protected areas Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Arthropod Sources of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered in nested levels?' For example, Arthropod Sources are ponds and ponds are clustered by protected areas Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialNumberLevelsNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Number Levels Nested Clusters The number of spatial nested cluster levels grouping Arthropod Sources Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialNestedClusterLevelsRepresent Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each level of spatial nested cluster grouping Arthropod Sources is. For example, Level 1 are protected areas Level 2 are grid cells within areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialNumberCategoriesPerNestedClusterLevel Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Number Categories Per Nested Cluster Level Description of the number of Categories per each level of nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources. For example, Level 1 contains 4 areas; in Level 2, area 1 contains 20 grid cells, area 2 contains 15 grid cells, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePerSpatialNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Arthropod Sources Per Spatial Nested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Arthropod Sources per each category within each spatial nested cluster grouping Arthropod Sources known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePerSpatialNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Per Spatial Nested Cluster Category Description of the Arthropod Sources per each category of nested spatial clusters grouping Arthropod Sources. For example, 3 Arthropod Sources per grid cell and the total number of grid cells is ten for a total of 30 Arthropod Sources String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Nested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do spatial nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Nested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of spatial nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialNonNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Non Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Arthropod Sources of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered in non-nested groups?' For example, Arthropod Sources are grouped by cities and also by zip codes Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialNumberNonNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Number Non Nested Clustering The number of non-nested spatial clusters grouping Arthropod Sources Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialNonNestedClusterRepresent Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Non Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each spatial non-nested cluster grouping Arthropod Sources is. For example, cluster 1 are grid cells cluster 2 are fenological areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialNumberCategoriesPerNonNestedCluster Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Number Categories Per Non Nested Cluster Description of the number of Categories per each non-nested cluster grouping Arthropod Sources. For example, cluster 1 contains 20 cells; cluster 2 contains 2 fenological areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePerSpatialNonNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Per Spatial Number Categories Per Non Nested Cluster Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Arthropod Sources per each category of each spatial non-nested cluster grouping Arthropod Sources known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePerSpatialNonNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Per Spatial Non Nested Cluster Category The number of Arthropod Sources per each category of each spatial non-nested cluster that are grouping Arthropod Sources String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialNonNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial NonNested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do spatial non-nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialNonNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial NonNested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of spatial non-nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialClustersFileProvided Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Clusters File Provided Answer to the question: 'Is a file containing the list of nested, non-nested, or both types of spatial clusters grouping Arthropod Sources and their corresponding categories provided in a file?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceSpatialClustersSpatialProjection Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Spatial Clusters Spatial Projection The spatial projection of the spatial nested and non-nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources provided in the file String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceTemporalClustering Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Temporal Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Arthropod Sources of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered (in nested or non-nested clusters)? For example, Arthropod Sources are clustered by decade and month over the years Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceTemporalNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Temporal Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Arthropod Sources of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered in nested levels?' For example, Arthropod Sources are clustered by month and then months are clustered by year Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceNumberTemporalNestedClustersLevels Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Number Temporal Nested Clusters Levels The number of levels of temporal nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceTemporalNestedClusterLevelsRepresent Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Temporal Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each level of temporal nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources is. For example, Level 1 are seasons Level 2 are months within seasons String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceTemporalNumberCategoriesPerNestedClusterLevel Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Temporal Number Categories Per Nested Cluster Level Description of the number of Categories per each level of temporal nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources. For example, Level 1 contains 4 seasons; in Level 2, season 1 contains 3 months, season 2 contains 3 months, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePerTemporalNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Per Temporal Nested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Arthropod Sources per each category of each temporal cluster level grouping Arthropod Sources known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePerTemporalNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source per Temporal Nested Cluster Category Description of the number of Arthropod Sources per each category of each temporal cluster level grouping Arthropod Sources. For example, 3 Arthropod Sources for season 1 that include 3 Arthropod Sources during each of the 3 months for a total of 9 Arthropod Sources per season. The time frame between each visit to a neighboor within a single visit to a city is 2 days String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceTemporalNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Temporal Nested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do temporal nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceTemporalNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Temporal Nested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of temporal nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceTemporalNonNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Temporal NonNested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Arthropod Sources of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered in non-nested groups?' For example, Arthropod Sources are clustered by date of the year and also by decade Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceNumberTemporalNonNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Number Temporal NonNested Clusters The number of temporal non-nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceTemporalNonNestedClustersRepresent Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Temporal NonNested Clusters Represent Description of what each temporal non-nested cluster grouping Arthropod Sources is. For example, Cluster 1 are dates of the year and cluster 2 are decades String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceTemporalNumberCategoriesPerNonNestedCluster Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Temporal Number Categories Per NonNested Cluster Description of the number of Categories per each non-nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources. For example, date of the year contains 365 options; decade contains 10 years, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePerTemporalNonNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source per Temporal NonNested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Arthropod Sources per each category within each temporal non-nested cluster grouping Arthropod Sources known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourcePerTemporalNonNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source per Temporal NonNested Cluster Category Description of the Arthropod Sources per each category of the non-nested temporal clusters grouping Arthropod Sources. For example, 1 Arthropod Source for each date of the year and 365 Arthropod Sources per year of the decade String No
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceTemporalNonNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Temporal NonNested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do temporal non-nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceTemporalNonNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Temporal NonNested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of temporal non-nested clusters grouping Arthropod Sources not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityArthropodSourceTemporalClustersFileProvided Surveillance Activity Arthropod Source Temporal Clusters File Provided Answer to the question: 'Is a file containing the list of nested, non-nested, or both types of temporal clusters grouping Arthropod Sources and their corresponding categories provided in a file?' Boolean Yes

Surveillance Activity - Location Clustering

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SurveillanceActivityLocationClustering Surveillance Activity Location Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Locations of the Surveillance Activity clustered?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialClustering Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Locations of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered (in nested or non-nested clusters)? For example, Locations represent markets and markets are clustered by cities Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Locations of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered in nested levels?' For example, Locations are markets and markets are clustered within cities Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialNumberLevelsNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Number Levels Nested Clusters The number of spatial nested cluster levels grouping Locations Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialNestedClusterLevelsRepresent Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each level of spatial nested cluster grouping Locations is. For example, Level 1 are areas Level 2 are grid cells within areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialNumberCategoriesPerNestedClusterLevel Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Number Categories Per Nested Cluster Level Description of the number of Categories per each level of nested clusters grouping Locations. For example, Level 1 contains 4 areas; in Level 2, area 1 contains 20 grid cells, area 2 contains 15 grid cells, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationPerSpatialNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Locations Per Spatial Nested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Locations per each category within each spatial nested cluster grouping Locations known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationPerSpatialNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Location Per Spatial Nested Cluster Category Description of the Locations per each category of nested spatial clusters grouping Locations. For example, 3 field activities for area 1 that include 3 Locations per grid cell for a total of 9 Locations per grid cell. The time frame between each visit to a grid cell within a single visit to an area is 2 days String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Nested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do spatial nested clusters grouping Locations contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Nested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of spatial nested clusters grouping Locations not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialNonNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Non Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Locations of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered in non-nested groups?' For example, Locations represent markets clustered by cities and also by fenology' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialNumberNonNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Number Non Nested Clustering The number of non-nested spatial clusters grouping Locations Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialNonNestedClusterRepresent Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Non Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each spatial non-nested cluster grouping Locations is. For example, cluster 1 are grid cells cluster 2 are fenological areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialNumberCategoriesPerNonNestedCluster Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Number Categories Per Non Nested Cluster Description of the number of Categories per each non-nested cluster grouping Locations. For example, cluster 1 contains 20 cells; cluster 2 contains 2 fenological areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationPerSpatialNonNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Location Per Spatial Number Categories Per Non Nested Cluster Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Locations per each category of each spatial non-nested cluster grouping Locations known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationPerSpatialNonNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Location Per Spatial Non Nested Cluster Category The number of Locations per each category of each spatial non-nested cluster that are grouping Locations String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialNonNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Location Spatial NonNested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do spatial non-nested clusters grouping Locations contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialNonNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Location Spatial NonNested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of spatial non-nested clusters grouping Locations not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialClustersFileProvided Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Clusters File Provided Answer to the question: 'Is a file containing the list of nested, non-nested, or both types of spatial clusters grouping Locations and their corresponding categories provided in a file?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationSpatialClustersSpatialProjection Surveillance Activity Location Spatial Clusters Spatial Projection The spatial projection of the spatial nested and non-nested clusters grouping Locations provided in the file String No
SurveillanceActivityLocationTemporalClustering Surveillance Activity Location Temporal Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Locations of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered (in nested or non-nested clusters)? For example, Locations are clustered by decade and month over the years Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationTemporalNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Location Temporal Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Locations of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered in nested levels?' For example, Locations are clustered by month and then months are clustered by year Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationNumberTemporalNestedClustersLevels Surveillance Activity Location Number Temporal Nested Clusters Levels The number of levels of temporal nested clusters grouping Locations Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationTemporalNestedClusterLevelsRepresent Surveillance Activity Location Temporal Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each level of temporal nested clusters grouping Locations is. For example, Level 1 are seasons Level 2 are months within seasons String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationTemporalNumberCategoriesPerNestedClusterLevel Surveillance Activity Location Temporal Number Categories Per Nested Cluster Level Description of the number of Categories per each level of temporal nested clusters grouping Locations. For example, Level 1 contains 4 seasons; in Level 2, season 1 contains 3 months, season 2 contains 3 months, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationPerTemporalNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Location Per Temporal Nested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Locations per each category of each temporal cluster level grouping Locations known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationPerTemporalNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Location per Temporal Nested Cluster Category Description of the number of Locations per each category of each temporal cluster level grouping Locations. For example, 3 Locations for season 1 that include 3 Locations during each of the 3 months for a total of 9 Locations per season. The time frame between each visit to a neighboor within a single visit to a city is 2 days String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationTemporalNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Location Temporal Nested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do temporal nested clusters grouping Locations contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityLocationTemporalNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Location Temporal Nested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of temporal nested clusters grouping Locations not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityLocationTemporalNonNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Location Temporal NonNested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Locations of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered in non-nested groups?' For example, Locations are clustered by date of the year and also by decade Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationNumberTemporalNonNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Location Number Temporal NonNested Clusters The number of temporal non-nested clusters grouping Locations Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationTemporalNonNestedClustersRepresent Surveillance Activity Location Temporal NonNested Clusters Represent Description of what each temporal non-nested cluster grouping Locations is. For example, Cluster 1 are dates of the year and cluster 2 are decades String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationTemporalNumberCategoriesPerNonNestedCluster Surveillance Activity Location Temporal Number Categories Per NonNested Cluster Description of the number of Categories per each non-nested clusters grouping Locations. For example, date of the year contains 365 options; decade contains 10 years, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationPerTemporalNonNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Location per Temporal NonNested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Locations per each category within each temporal non-nested cluster grouping Locations known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationPerTemporalNonNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Location per Temporal NonNested Cluster Category Description of the Locations per each category of the non-nested temporal clusters grouping Locations. For example, 1 Location for each date of the year and 365 Locations per year of the decade String No
SurveillanceActivityLocationTemporalNonNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Location Temporal NonNested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do temporal non-nested clusters grouping Locations contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationTemporalNonNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Location Temporal NonNested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of temporal non-nested clusters grouping Locations not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityLocationTemporalClustersFileProvided Surveillance Activity Location Temporal Clusters File Provided Answer to the question: 'Is a file containing the list of nested, non-nested, or both types of temporal clusters grouping Locations and their corresponding categories provided in a file?' Boolean Yes

Surveillance Activity - Event Clustering

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SurveillanceActivityEventClustering Surveillance Activity Event Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Events of the Surveillance Activity clustered?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialClustering Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Events of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered (in nested or non-nested clusters)? For example, Events represent traps and traps are clustered by grid cells Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Events of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered in nested levels?' For example, Events are traps and traps are clustered within grid cells Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialNumberLevelsNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Number Levels Nested Clusters The number of spatial nested cluster levels grouping Events Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialNestedClusterLevelsRepresent Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each level of spatial nested cluster grouping Events is. For example, Level 1 are areas Level 2 are grid cells within areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialNumberCategoriesPerNestedClusterLevel Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Number Categories Per Nested Cluster Level Description of the number of Categories per each level of nested clusters grouping Events. For example, Level 1 contains 4 areas; in Level 2, area 1 contains 20 grid cells, area 2 contains 15 grid cells, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventPerSpatialNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Events Per Spatial Nested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Events per each category within each spatial nested cluster grouping Events known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventPerSpatialNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Event Per Spatial Nested Cluster Category Description of the Events per each category of nested spatial clusters grouping Events. For example, 3 field activities for area 1 that include 3 Events per grid cell for a total of 9 Events per grid cell. The time frame between each visit to a grid cell within a single visit to an area is 2 days String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Nested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do spatial nested clusters grouping Events contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Nested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of spatial nested clusters grouping Events not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialNonNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Non Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Events of the Surveillance Activity spatially clustered in non-nested groups?' For example, Events represent traps clustered by grid cells and also by fenology' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialNumberNonNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Number Non Nested Clustering The number of non-nested spatial clusters grouping Events Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialNonNestedClusterRepresent Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Non Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each spatial non-nested cluster grouping Events is. For example, cluster 1 are grid cells cluster 2 are fenological areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialNumberCategoriesPerNonNestedCluster Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Number Categories Per Non Nested Cluster Description of the number of Categories per each non-nested cluster grouping Events. For example, cluster 1 contains 20 cells; cluster 2 contains 2 fenological areas String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventPerSpatialNonNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Event Per Spatial Number Categories Per Non Nested Cluster Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Events per each category of each spatial non-nested cluster grouping Events known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventPerSpatialNonNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Event Per Spatial Non Nested Cluster Category The number of Events per each category of each spatial non-nested cluster that are grouping Events String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialNonNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Event Spatial NonNested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do spatial non-nested clusters grouping Events contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialNonNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Event Spatial NonNested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of spatial non-nested clusters grouping Events not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialClustersFileProvided Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Clusters File Provided Answer to the question: 'Is a file containing the list of nested, non-nested, or both types of spatial clusters grouping Events and their corresponding categories provided in a file?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventSpatialClustersSpatialProjection Surveillance Activity Event Spatial Clusters Spatial Projection The spatial projection of the spatial nested and non-nested clusters grouping Events provided in the file String No
SurveillanceActivityEventTemporalClustering Surveillance Activity Event Temporal Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Events of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered (in nested or non-nested clusters)? For example, Events are clustered by decade and month over the years Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventTemporalNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Event Temporal Nested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Events of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered in nested levels?' For example, Events are clustered by month and then months are clustered by year Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventNumberTemporalNestedClustersLevels Surveillance Activity Event Number Temporal Nested Clusters Levels The number of levels of temporal nested clusters grouping Events Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventTemporalNestedClusterLevelsRepresent Surveillance Activity Event Temporal Nested Clusters Represent Description of what each level of temporal nested clusters grouping Events is. For example, Level 1 are seasons Level 2 are months within seasons String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventTemporalNumberCategoriesPerNestedClusterLevel Surveillance Activity Event Temporal Number Categories Per Nested Cluster Level Description of the number of Categories per each level of temporal nested clusters grouping Events. For example, Level 1 contains 4 seasons; in Level 2, season 1 contains 3 months, season 2 contains 3 months, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventPerTemporalNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Event Per Temporal Nested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Events per each category of each temporal cluster level grouping Events known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventPerTemporalNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Event per Temporal Nested Cluster Category Description of the number of Events per each category of each temporal cluster level grouping Events. For example, 3 Events for season 1 that include 3 Events during each of the 3 months for a total of 9 Events per season. The time frame between each visit to a neighboor within a single visit to a city is 2 days String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventTemporalNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Event Temporal Nested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do temporal nested clusters grouping Events contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean No
SurveillanceActivityEventTemporalNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Event Temporal Nested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of temporal nested clusters grouping Events not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String No
SurveillanceActivityEventTemporalNonNestedClustering Surveillance Activity Event Temporal NonNested Clustering Answer to the question:'Are Events of the Surveillance Activity temporally clustered in non-nested groups?' For example, Events are clustered by date of the year and also by decade Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventNumberTemporalNonNestedClusters Surveillance Activity Event Number Temporal NonNested Clusters The number of temporal non-nested clusters grouping Events Integer Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventTemporalNonNestedClustersRepresent Surveillance Activity Event Temporal NonNested Clusters Represent Description of what each temporal non-nested cluster grouping Events is. For example, Cluster 1 are dates of the year and cluster 2 are decades String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventTemporalNumberCategoriesPerNonNestedCluster Surveillance Activity Event Temporal Number Categories Per NonNested Cluster Description of the number of Categories per each non-nested clusters grouping Events. For example, date of the year contains 365 options; decade contains 10 years, etc. String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventPerTemporalNonNestedClusterCategoryKnown Surveillance Activity Event per Temporal NonNested Cluster Category Answer to the question: 'Is the number of Events per each category within each temporal non-nested cluster grouping Events known?' The opposite is opportunistic and added as the Surveillance Activity develops Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventPerTemporalNonNestedClusterCategory Surveillance Activity Event per Temporal NonNested Cluster Category Description of the Events per each category of the non-nested temporal clusters grouping Events. For example, 1 Event for each date of the year and 365 Events per year of the decade String No
SurveillanceActivityEventTemporalNonNestedClustersOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Event Temporal NonNested Clusters Other Attributes Answer to the question: 'Do temporal non-nested clusters grouping Events contain other properties not included in the data model?' Boolean Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventTemporalNonNestedClustersListDefinitionOtherAttributes Surveillance Activity Event Temporal NonNested Clusters Definition Other Attributes Description of the other attributes of temporal non-nested clusters grouping Events not included in the data model. Provide a list with the name of the attributes and their definition String Yes
SurveillanceActivityEventTemporalClustersFileProvided Surveillance Activity Event Temporal Clusters File Provided Answer to the question: 'Is a file containing the list of nested, non-nested, or both types of temporal clusters grouping Events and their corresponding categories provided in a file?' Boolean Yes


Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
OutbreakID Outbreak Identifier System-provided Outbreak identifier Integer System-assigned
OutbreakDetectionDate Outbreak Detection Date The Date the first Source Records belonging to the Outbreak were found or reported Date Yes
OutbreakFirstDayInvestigation Outbreak First Day Investigation The first date of the official outbreak investigation. This date can be different from the previous date becuase the first Spource Records could be found as part of another surveillance activity, such as a ranger patrol. Then, the investigation starts Date Yes
OutbreakName Outbreak Name The name provided to the outbreak String Yes
LastDayInvestigation Outbreak First Day Investigation The last date of the official outbreak investigation Date Yes
OutbreakDiagnosis Outbreak Diagnosis The diagnosis provided to the outbreak. Report the cause of the outbreak String No
OutbreakDiagnosisBasedOn Outbreak Diagnosis Based On The information supporting the diagnosis provided to the outbreak String No
OutbreakDiagnosisBy Outbreak Diagnosis Based On The health, animal, environmental, or another sector of the individual providing the diagnosis of the Outbreak Single selection No
OutbreakComments Outbreak Comments Provide any comments regarding the Outbreak String No

Field Visit

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
FieldVisitID Field Visit Identifier System-provided Field Visit identifier Integer System-assigned
FieldVisitCode Field Visit Code User-provided Field Visit code String Yes
FieldVisitCrossReferenceID Field Visit Cross Identifier The identifier of the Field Visit under another nomenclature system. For example, in a different database or document where other identification for the same Field Visit is used String No
FieldVisitCrossReferenceIDOrigin Field Visit Cross Identifier Origin The location/database/document where other identification for the same Field Visit is used String No
FieldVisitLeader Field Visit Leader The name of the leader of the Field Visit Single selection Yes
FieldVisitWhere Field Visit Places Visited Briefly describe the places to be visited during the Field Visit String Yes
FieldVisitStartDate Field Visit Start Date The date the Field Visit started Date Yes
FieldVisitEndDate Field Visit End Date The date the Field Visit ended or the anticipated ending date Date Yes


Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
LocationID Location Identifier System-provided Location identifier Integer System-assigned
LocationName Location Code User-provided Location code String Yes
Location Polygon ID Location Polygon Identifier If a spatial file with the different Locations has been entered in the database. then provide the ID of the polygon representing the Location in such file. This attribute is available only when the spatial file has been entered in the database as reported in the Surveillance Activity metadata String No
LocationCrossReferenceID Location Cross Identifier The identifier of the Location under another nomenclature system. For example, in a different database or document where other identification for the same Location is used String No
LocationCrossReferenceIDOrigin Location Cross Identifier Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same Location is used String No
LocationPurpose Location Purpose Description of the objectives to accomplish in the Location String Yes
LocationTargetedSources Location Targeted Sources Indicate the type of Sources (Group, Animal, Environmental, or Arthropod) targeted in the Event Multiple selection Yes
LocationType Location Type The type of Location containing Events (e.g., 'market', 'zone in Protected area', 'grid cell', 'parcel', etc') Single selection Yes
LocationDescription Location Description A general description of the Location String No
LocationEnvironment Location Environment Description of the environmental conditions of the Location String Yes
LocationStartDate Location Start Date The date the activities in the Location started Date Yes
LocationEndDate Location End Date The date the activities in the Location ended or the anticipated ending date Date Yes
LocationComments Location Comments Provide any other relevant information regarding the Location String No

Location Clustering

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
LocationClusterCode Location Cluster Code User-provided Location Cluster Code String Yes
LocationClusterCrossReferenceID Location Cluster Cross Reference ID The identifier of a cluster grouping Locations in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
LocationClusterCrossReferenceIDOrigin Location Cluster Cross Reference ID Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same cluster grouping Locations is used String No
LocationClusterType Location Cluster Type The type of cluster (Spatial or Temporal) Single selection Yes
LocationClusterUnit Location Cluster Unit The unit the cluster represents (e.g., a grid cell, a market, etc.) String Yes
LocationClusterComments Location Cluster Comments Any other comments regarding the Location Source clusters String No


Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
EventID Event Identifier System-provided Event identifier Integer System-assigned
EventCode Event Code User-provided Event code String Yes
EventCrossReferenceID Event Cross Identifier The identifier of an Event in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
EventCrossReferenceIDOrigin Event Cross Identifier Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same Event is used String No
EventType Event type The type of Event recorded Single selection Yes
EventFeatures Event Features Specific set of findings at the Event that are dynamic over time (e.g., fire, smoke, etc) Multiple selection Yes
EventOtherFeatures Other Event Features Other findings at the Event that are dynamic over time not listed in the previous attribute String No
EventBySector Sector of the Reporter The sector of the person that reported the Event Single selection No
EventDate Event Date The date and time of the Event String Yes
EventCoordinatesSource The Source of the Coordinates Data The source of the coordinates (longitude and latitude) of the Event Single selection Yes
EventCoordinateSystem Event Coordindate System The coordinate system of the Event longitude and latitude reported Single selection Yes
EventLongitude Event Longitude Longitude coordinate in decimal degrees Float Yes
EventLatitude Event Latitude Latitude coordinate in decimal degrees Float Yes
EventUTMZone Event UTM Zone UTM Zone where the Event occurs. It applies if the longitude an latitude odf the Event are provided in UTM coordinate reference system. See https://www.dmap.co.uk/utmworld.htm Single selection Yes
EventUTMEasting Event UTM Easting UTM Easting value where the Event occurs Float Yes
EventUTMNorthing Event UTM Northing UTM Northing value where the Event occurs Float Yes
EventDMSLongitudeDegrees Event Longitude Degrees The degree value of the longitude coordinate (absolute value) Integer Yes
EventDMSLongitudeMinutes Event Longitude Minutes The minutes value of the longitude coordinate Integer Yes
EventDMSLongitudeSeconds Event Longitude Seconds The seconds value of the longitude coordinate Float Yes
EventDMSLongitudeHemisphere Event Longitude Hemisphere The eastern or western hemisphere where the Event occurs Single selection Yes
EventDMSLatitudeDegrees Event Latitude Degrees The degree value of the latitude coordinate (absolute value) Integer Yes
EventDMSLatitudeMinutes Event Latitude Minutes The minutes value of the latitude coordinate Integer Yes
EventDMSLatitudeSeconds Event Latitude Seconds The seconds value of the latitude coordinate Float Yes
EventDMSLatitudeHemisphere Event Latitude Hemisphere The northern or southern hemisphere where the Event occurs Single selection Yes
EventCountry Event Country Country where the Event occurs Single selection Yes
EventStateProvince Event State Or Province State or Province where the Event occurs Single selection No
EventCounty Event County County where the Event occurs String No
EventComments Event Comments Any other comments regarding the Event String No

Event Clustering

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
EventClusterCode Event Cluster Code User-provided Event Cluster Code String Yes
EventClusterCrossReferenceID Event Cluster Cross Reference ID The identifier of a cluster grouping Events in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
EventClusterCrossReferenceIDOrigin Event Cluster Cross Reference ID Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same cluster grouping Events is used String No
EventClusterType Event Cluster Type The type of cluster (Spatial or Temporal) Single selection Yes
EventClusterUnit Event Cluster Unit The unit the cluster represents (e.g., a grid cell, a market, etc.) String Yes
EventClusterComments Event Cluster Comments Any other comments regarding the Event Source clusters String No


Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
CollectionID Collection Identifier System-provided Collection identifier Integer System-assigned
Collection Passive Active Collection Passive Active Answer to the question: 'Is the collection passive or active?' (markets or other facilities where wildlife is already captured does not involve effort) Boolean Yes
CollectionCode Collection Code User-provided Collection code) Boolean Yes
CollectionCrossReferenceID Collection Cross Identifier The identifier of an Collection in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
CollectionCrossReferenceIDOrigin Collection Cross Identifier Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same Event is used String No
CollectionSourceMethod Collection Source Method The tools employed in the Collection Multiple selection Yes
CollectionSourceTarget Collection Source Target The types of Sources to obtain through the Collection Multiple selection Yes
CollectionSpatialEffortUnit Collection Spatial Effort Unit The unit to measure the spatial effort associated with the Collection (e.g., CO2 traps, mist nets, km walked, squared kilometers covered, etc.) Single selection Yes
CollectionSpatialEffortUnitQuantity Collection Spatial Effort Unit Quantity The number of units of spatial effort associated with the Collection in the unit reported in the previous attribute Float Yes
CollectionSpatialEffortExactorEstimated Collection Spatial Effort Exact or Estimated Answer to the question: 'Is the spatial effort exact or estimated?' Boolean Yes
CollectionSpatialEffortPlacementEvent Collection Spatial Effort Placement Event Select the position of the spatial effort with respect to the Event spatial position (e.g., 'At the Event', 'up to the Event') Single selection Yes
CollectionTemporalEffortUnit Collection Temporal Effort Unit The unit to measure the temporal effort associated with the Collection (e.g., night-hours, days, year, etc.) Single selection Yes
CollectionTemporalEffortUnitQuantity Collection Temporal Effort Unit Quantity The number of units of temporal effort associated with the Collection in the unit reported in the previous attribute Float Yes
CollectionTemporalEffortExactorEstimated Collection Temporal Effort Exact or Estimated Answer to the question: 'Is the temporal effort exact or estimated?' Boolean Yes
CollectionTemporalEffortPlacementEvent Collection Temporal Effort Placement Event Select the position of the temporal effort with respect to the Event time stamp (e.g., 'after the Event started') Single selection Yes
CollectionArthropodActive Collection Arthropod Active or Passive Answer to the question: 'Is the Collection of Arthropods active?' (e.g., setting traps or sliding tarps versus pick up by hand) Single selection Yes
CollectionLureUsed Collection Lure Select the lure using to collect Sources, if any Single selection Yes
CollectionImmovilization Collection Immovilization Select the type of immovilization used to obtain Group and Animal Source Records Single selection Yes
CollectionProblems Collection Problems Report any problems occurred during the collection such as torn mist net, broken trap, etc. String No
SourceRecordsCollected Source Records Collected Answer to the question: 'Where there any Source Records obtained as result of the Collection?' (Setting a trap is a Collection. That does not mean that any Source was captured at the en of the Collection) Boolean No
CollectionComments Collection Comments Any other comments regarding the Collection String No


Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SourceID Source Identifier System-provided source identifier Integer System-assigned
SourceCode Source Code User-given Source Code String Yes
SourceCrossReferenceID Source Cross Identifier The identifier of the Source under another nomenclature system. For example, in a different database or document where other identification for the same Source is used String No
SourceCrossReferenceIDOrigin Source Cross Identifier Origin The location/database/document where other identification for the same Source is used String No
SourceType Source Type The type of Source (e.g., 'Group', 'Animal', 'Environmental', 'Arthropod') Single selection Yes
SourceComments Source Comments Any comments regarding the Source String No

Group Source

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SourceSpecies Source Species The Group Source species Single selection Yes

Animal Source

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SourceSpecies Animal Source Species The Animal Source species Single selection Yes
SourceSex Source Species Sex The Source Sex Single selection Yes
SourcePreviousMarkingCode Animal Source Previous Marking Code A known marking code of the Animal Source, if any, before the current marking code, if any String No
AnimalSourceFromGroupSource Animal Source From Group Source Answer to the question: 'Is the Animal Source coming from a Group Source to be now considered as a specific individual?' Boolean Yes
AnimalSourceFromGroupSourceGroupID Animal Source From Group Source Group ID The ID of the Group Source that the Animal Source belonged to String Yes

Source Record

Group Source Record

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
GroupAnimalSourceRecordDistancetoSource Distance to the Group Source Record In case of transect or similar, this is the distance in any unit from the Event (point in transect) to the Group Source Numeric No
GroupAnimalSourceRecordDistancetoSourceUnit Unit of the Distance The unit for the distance from the Event (point in a transect) to the Group Source (e.g., meters, kilometers) Single selection Yes
GroupAnimalArthropodSourceRecordSex Group Source Record Sex of the Animals A sex category of the animals in the Group Source Record that are also stratified by initial health status and age class Single selection Yes
GroupAnimalArthropodSourceRecordAge Group Source Record Age of the Animals An age category of the animals in the Group Source Record that are also stratified by initial health status and sex class Single selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordCaptivityCategory Group Source Record Captivity Category The captivity category of the animals in the Group Source Record. Multiple options can be selected Multiple selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordNameFacility Group Source Record Name Facility The name of the facility where the Group Source is String Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordAdmissiontoFacility Group Source Record Date Entered to the Facility The date the Group Source Record entered to the facility. Applies when the Location type is a farm or similar Date No
GroupAnimalSourceRecordTimeOutNaturalHabitat Group Source Record Time Out Natural Habitat The period of time the Group Source has not been on its natural area String Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordInPenOrCage Group Source In Pen or Cage Answer to the question: 'Is the Group Source in a pen or a cage?' Boolean Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordPenCageIdentifier Group Source Record Pen Cage Identifier The identifier of the pen or cage where the Group Source is String Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordAdmissiontoPenCage Group Source Record Date Entered to the Pen or Cage The date the Group Source Record entered to the Pen or Cage. Applies when the Location type is a market or similar Date No
SourceRecordInitialHealthStatus Group Source Record Initial Health Status An initial health status category of the animals in the Group Source Record that are also stratified by sex and age class Single selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordHealthStatusAssessedBy Group Source Record Health Status Assessed By The health, animal, environmental, or another sector of the individual assigning the initial health status Single selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordAnomaly Group Source Record Anomalies The anomalies detected in the animals of the Group Source Record reported as sick, injured, or dead per sex and age category Multiple selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordOtherAnomalies Group Source Record Other Anomalies Other anomalies not listed in the previous field in the animals of the Group Source Record reported as sick, injured, or dead per sex and age category Multiple selection No
GroupAnimalSourceRecordAnomaliesBy Group Source Record Anomalies By The health, animal, environmental, or another sector of the individual reporting the anomalies in sick, injured, or dead animals of the Group Source Record. Not available if all animals are healthy Single selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordPotentialCauseInjuryDisease Group Source Record Potential Cause Injury or Disease The potential causes of injury or disease in the animals of the Group Source Record that are reported as sick or injured per sex and age category Multiple selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordPotentialCauseInjuryDiseaseBy Group Source Record Potential Cause Injury Disease By The health, animal, environmental, or another sector of the individual reporting the potential cause of injury or disease in sick or injured animals of the Group Source Record. Not available if all animals are healthy or dead Single selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordPotentialCauseDeath Group Source Record Potential Cause Death The potential causes of death in the animals of the Group Source Record that are reported as dead per sex and age category Multiple selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordPotentialCauseDeathBy Group Source Record Potential Cause Injury Disease By The health, animal, environmental, or another sector of the individual reporting the potential cause of death in dead animals of the Group Source Record. Not available if no animals are dead Single selection Yes
GroupArthropodSourceRecordNumberAnimals Group Source Record Number of Animals The number animals of the corresponding sex, age, and initial health status category Integer Yes
GroupArthropodSourceRecordExactNumber Group Source Record Number is Exact Answer to the question: 'Is the number of animals reported per sex, age, and initial health status category exact?' Boolean Yes

Group Source Record - Clustering

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
GroupSourceRecordClusterCode Group Source Record Cluster Code User-provided Group Source Record Cluster Code String Yes
GroupSourceRecordClusterCrossReferenceID Group Source Record Cluster Cross Reference ID The identifier of a cluster grouping Group Source Records in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
GroupSourceRecordClusterCrossReferenceIDOrigin Group Source Record Cluster Cross Reference ID Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same cluster grouping Group Source Records is used String No
GroupSourceRecordClusterType Group Source Record Cluster Type The type of cluster (Spatial or Temporal) Single selection Yes
GroupSourceRecordClusterUnit Group Source Record Cluster Unit The unit the cluster represents (e.g., a grid cell, a market, etc.) String Yes
GroupSourceRecordClusterComments Group Source Record Cluster Comments Any other comments regarding the Group Source clusters String No

Animal Source Record

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
GroupAnimalSourceRecordDistancetoSource Distance to the Animal Source Record In case of transect or similar, this is the distance in any unit from the Event (point in transect) to the Animal Source Numeric No
GroupAnimalSourceRecordDistancetoSourceUnit Unit of the Distance The unit for the distance from the Event (point in a transect) to the Animal Source (e.g., meters, kilometers) Single selection Yes
GroupAnimalArthropodSourceRecordAge Animal Source Record Age of the Animal An age category of the Animal Source Record Single selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordCaptivityCategory Animal Source Record Captivity Category The captivity category of the Animal Source Record Multiple selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordNameFacility Animal Source Record Name Facility The name of the facility where the Animal Source is String Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordAdmissiontoFacility Animal Source Record Date Entered to the Facility The date the Animal Source Record entered to the facility. Applies when the Location type is a farm or similar Date No
GroupAnimalSourceRecordTimeOutNaturalHabitat Animal Source Record Time Out Natural Habitat The period of time the Animal Source has not been on its natural area String Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordInPenOrCage Animal Source In Pen or Cage Answer to the question: 'Is the Animal Source in a pen or a cage?' Boolean Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordPenCageIdentifier Animal Source Record Pen Cage Identifier The identifier of the pen or cage where the Animal Source is String Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordAdmissiontoPenCage Animal Source Record Date Entered to the Pen or Cage The date the Animal Source Record entered to the Pen or Cage. Applies when the Location type is a market or similar Date No
GroupAnimalSourceRecordInitialHealthStatus Animal Source Record Initial Health Status An initial health status category of the Animal Source Record Single selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordHealthStatusAssessedBy Animal Source Record Health Status Assessed By The health, animal, environmental, or another sector of the individual assigning the initial health status Single selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordAnomaly Animal Source Record Anomalies The anomalies detected in the Animal Source Record reported as sick, injured, or dead Multiple selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordOtherAnomalies Animal Source Record Other Anomalies Other anomalies not listed in the previous field in the Animal Source Record reported as sick, injured, or dead String No
GroupAnimalSourceRecordAnomaliesBy Animal Source Record Anomalies By The health, animal, environmental, or another sector of the individual reporting the anomalies in the sick, injured, or dead Animal Source Record. Not available if all Animal Source Record is healthy Single selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordPotentialCauseInjuryDisease Animal Source Record Potential Cause Injury or Disease The potential causes of injury or disease in the Animal Source Record that is reported as sick or injured Multiple selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordPotentialCauseInjuryDiseaseBy Animal Source Record Potential Cause Injury Disease By The health, animal, environmental, or another sector of the individual reporting the potential cause of injury or disease in the Animal Source Record. Not available if the Animal Source Record is healthy or dead Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccination Animal Source Record Vaccination Answer to the question:'Animal Source vaccinated at time t?' Boolean Yes
AnimalSourceRecordFinalHealthStatus Animal Source Record Final Health Status The health status of the Animal Source Record at the end of the observation Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceDateOfDeathKnown Animal Source Record Date of Death Known Answer to the question: 'Is the Animal Source date of death known?' Boolean Yes
AnimalSourceDateOfDeath Animal Source Record Date of Death The date the Animal Source died Date Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordPotentialCauseDeath Animal Source Record Potential Cause Death The potential causes of death of the Animal Source Record Multiple selection Yes
GroupAnimalSourceRecordPotentialCauseDeathBy Animal Source Record Potential Cause Injury Disease By The health, animal, environmental, or another sector of the individual reporting the potential cause of death of the Animal Source Record. Not available if the Animal Source Record is not dead Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordEuthanasiaMethod Animal Source Record Euthanasia Method The euthanasia method used in the Animal Source Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassFieldCondition Animal Source Record Carcass Field Condition The condition of the Carcass when it was collected at time t Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassAction Animal Source Record Carcass Action Description of what was done with the Carcass found in the field or captive facility Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordAnyMarkingCode Animal Source Record Any Marking Code Answer to the question: 'Was there any marking in the Animal Source at time t that allowed its individual identification?' String No
AnimalSourceRecordMarkingCode Animal Source Record Marking Code The marking of the Animal Source at time t String Yes
AnimalSourceRecordMarkingCodeChange Animal Source Record Marking Code Change Answer to the question: 'Was the marking code changed at time t?' Boolean No
AnimalSourceRecordMarkingCodeChangingReason Animal Source Record Marking Code Change Reason Provide an explanation for changing the marking code String No

Animal Source Record - Vaccination

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationID Animal Source Record Vaccination ID System-provided Vaccination identifier Integer System-assigned
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationCode Animal Source Record Vaccination Code User-provided Vaccination code String Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationCrossReferenceID Animal Source Record Vaccination Cross Identifier The identifier of a Vaccination in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationCrossReferenceIDOrigin Animal Source Record Vaccination Cross Identifier Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same Vaccination is used String No
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationVaccineName Animal Source Record Vaccine Name The commercial name of the vaccine administered String Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationVaccineType Animal Source Record Vaccine Type The type of vaccine administered Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationAgainst Animal Source Record Vaccinated Against The hazard(s) targeted for protection by the vaccine administered Multiple selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationVaccineExpirationDate Animal Source Record Vaccine Expiration Date The date the adminstered vaccine expires Date Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationVaccineFieldStorage Animal Source Record Vaccine Field Storage The method to store the vaccine or keep the cold chain while on the field Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationVaccineDaysStoredField Animal Source Record Vaccine Days Stored in Field The number of days the vaccine was stored while on the field before administration Integer Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationVaccineColdChainMaintained Animal Source Record Vaccine in Cold Chain Answer to the question: 'Was the vaccine maintained in the cold chain before the administration?' Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationDate Animal Source Record Vaccination Date The date the vaccine was applied Date Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationBy Animal Source Record Vaccination By The person that administered the vaccine Single selection No
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationVaccineDose Animal Source Record Vaccine Dose The dose of vaccine administered (amount and unit) String Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationVaccineRoute Animal Source Record Vaccine Route The route of vaccine administration Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationLocation Animal Source Record Vaccination Location The anatomical location where the vaccine was administered String No
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationMinutesOfObservationAfterVaccination Animal Source Record Vaccination Minutes of Observation Minutes the Animal Source was monitored after being vaccinated at time *t* Integer Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationVaccinationReaction Animal Source Record Vaccination Reaction Answer to the question: 'Did the vaccination cause any adverse reaction?' Boolean Yes
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationVaccinationReactionDescription Animal Source Record Vaccination Reaction Description Description of any reaction observed in the Animal Source after vacinnated at time *t* String No
AnimalSourceRecordVaccinationVaccinationComments Animal Source Record Vaccination Comments Comments regarding the vaccination String No

Animal Source Record - Carcass

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassID Carcass Identifier System-provided Carcass identifier Integer System-assigned
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassCode Carcass Code User-given Carcass Code String Yes
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassCrossReferenceID Carcass Cross Identifier The identifier of the Carcass under another nomenclature system. For example, in a different database or document where other identification for the same Carcass is used String No
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassCrossReferenceIDOrigin Carcass Cross Identifier Origin The location/database/document where other identification for the same Carcass is used String No
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassNecropsy Carcass To Necropsy Answer to the question: 'Carcass used for a field, primary, or secondary necropsy?' Boolean Yes
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassFieldStorage Carcass Field Storage The method to store the carcass in the field or captive facility while in transit to a proper facility Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassColdChainMaintainedInSitu Carcass Cold Chain Maintained In Situ Answer to the question: 'Was the cold chain for the Carcass maintained after its collection in the field or captive facility until arrival to the storage facility (e.g., pathology laboratory)?' Boolean Yes
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassFieldStorageProblems Carcass Field Storage Problems Description of any problems faced during the storage of the Carcass while on the field or captive facility String No
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassAvailable Carcass Available Answer to the question: 'Is the Carcass available for use, necropsy, collection of Specimens, etc.?' Boolean Yes
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassReasonNotAvailable Carcass Reason Not Available Explanation about why the Carcass is not available Boolean Yes
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassOwner Carcass Owner The owner of the Carcass Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordCarcassComments Carcass Comments Any comments regarding the Carcass String Yes

Animal Source Record - Necropsy

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
NecropsyID Necropsy Identifier System-provided necropsy identifier Integer System-assigned
NecropsyCode Necropsy Code User-given Necropsy Code String Yes
NecropsyCrossReferenceID Necropsy Cross Identifier The identifier of a Necropsy in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
NecropsyCrossReferenceIDOrigin Necropsy Cross Identifier Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same Necropsy is used String No
NecropsyDate Necropsy Date The date the Necropsy was conducted String Yes
NecropsyFieldPrimarySecondary Field, Primary, or Secondary Necropsy The necropsy type with respect to where is conducted' Single selection Yes
NecropsyType Necropsy Type The necropsy type with respect to its completeness (e.g., 'Partial necropsy', 'Full necropsy') Single selection Yes
NecropsyFacility Necropsy Facility The facility where the necropsy was conducted Single selection Yes
NecropsyFacilityID Necropsy Facility ID The identifier of the facility where the necropsy was conducted Single selection Yes
NecropsyBy Necropsy By The person who conducted the necropsy Single selection Yes
NecropsyCarcassCondition Carcass Condition at Necropsy The condition of the carcass by the time of the necropsy Single selection Yes
NecropsyExternalSigns External Signs The external signs observed in the Carcass String No
NecropsyBodyCondition Body Condition The body condition observed in the Carcass Single selection No
NecropsyEyes Eyes Findings in the eyes of the Carcass String No
NecropsyEars Ears Findings in the ears of the Carcass String No
NecropsyNostrils Nostrils Findings in the nostrils of the Carcass String No
NecropsyMouth Mouth Findings in the mouth of the Carcass String No
NecropsySkin/Hair/Coat/Nails Skin, Hair, Coat, Nails Findings in the skin, hair, coat, or nails of the Carcass String No
NecropsyWoundsScars Wounds or Scars Wounds and scars in the Carcass String No
NecropsyExternalParasites External Parasites External parasites on the Carcass String No
NecropsyInternalParasites Internal Parasites Internal parasites in the Carcass String No
NecropsyAnus/Perineum/Cloaca Anus, Perineum, or Cloaca Findings in the anus, perineum, or cloaca of the Carcass String No
NecropsySubcutaneousFat Subcutaneous Fat The amount of subcutaneous fat of the Carcass String No
NecropsyMuscleMass Muscles Mass The characteristics of the muscle mass of the Carcass String No
NecropsyMusculoskeletalSyst Musculoeskeletal System Findings in the muskuloeskeletal system of the Carcass String No
NecropsyBodyCavities Body Cavities Findings in the body cavities of the Carcass (e.g., 'abdominal', 'thoracic') String No
NecropsyCardiovascularSyst Cardiovascular System Findings in the cardiovascular system of the Carcass String No
NecropsyRespiratorySyst Respiratory System Findings in the respiratory system of the Carcass String No
NecropsyGastrointestinalSyst Gastrointestinal System Findings in the gastrointestinal system of the Carcass String No
NecropsyUrinarySyst Urinary System Findings in the urinary system of the Carcass String No
NecropsyReproductiveSyst Reproductive System Findings in the reproductive system of the Carcass String No
NecropsyLymphaticSyst Lymphatic System Findings in the lymphatic system of the Carcass String No
NecropsyEndocrineSyst Endocrine System Findings in the endocrine system of the Carcass String No
NecropsyNervousSyst Nervous System Findings in the nervous system of the Carcass String No
NecropsyConclusion Necropsy Conclusion The conclusion of the necropsy String No
NecropsyProblems Necropsy Problems Any problems regarding the necropsy String No
NecropsyComments Necropsy Comments Any comments regarding the necropsy String No
NecropsyNeedsPathologistReview Needs pathologist review Answer to the question: 'Does the necropsy need a pathologist review?' Boolean Yes
NecropsyTopography Necropsy Findings Topography The location of the lesions or findings Multiple selection No
NecropsyTopography Necropsy Findings Morphology The pathological aspect of the lesions or findings Multiple selection No
NecropsyEthiology Necropsy Findings Ethiology The suspected or established cause of the lesions or findings Multiple selection No

Animal Source Record - Clustering

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
AnimalSourceRecordClusterCode Animal Source Record Cluster Code User-provided Animal Source Record Cluster Code String Yes
AnimalSourceRecordClusterCrossReferenceID Animal Source Record Cluster Cross Reference ID The identifier of a cluster grouping Animal Source Records in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
animalSourceRecordClusterCrossReferenceIDOrigin animal Source Record Cluster Cross Reference ID Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same cluster grouping Animal Source Records is used String No
AnimalSourceRecordClusterType Animal Source Record Cluster Type The type of cluster (Spatial or Temporal) Single selection Yes
AnimalSourceRecordClusterUnit Animal Source Record Cluster Unit The unit the cluster represents (e.g., a grid cell, a market, etc.) String Yes
AnimalSourceRecordClusterComments Animal Source Record Cluster Comments Any other comments regarding the Animal Source clusters String No

Environmental Source Record

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
EnvironmentalSourceRecordType Environmental Source Record Type The type of environmental tissue, biotic or abiotic, collected from the environmental source (site) Single selection Yes
EnvironmentalSourceRecordQuantity Environmental Source Record Quantity The amount of environmental tissue, biotic or abiotic, collected from the environmental source (site) Float Yes
EnvironmentalSourceRecordQuantityUnit Environmental Source Record Quantity Unit The unit of measure for the amount of environmental tissue, biotic or abiotic, collected from the environmental source (site) Single selection Yes
SourceSpecies Environmental Source Species Origin The species that sourced a biotic Environmental Source Record. Usually applies for feces. A high level taxonomy can be provided if that is the best choice. For example, 'mammalia' Single selection Yes

Environmental Source Record - Clustering

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
EnvironmentalSourceRecordClusterCode Environmental Source Record Cluster Code User-provided Environmental Source Record Cluster Code String Yes
EnvironmentalSourceRecordClusterCrossReferenceID Environmental Source Record Cluster Cross Reference ID The identifier of a cluster grouping Environmental Source Records in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
EnvironmentalSourceRecordClusterCrossReferenceIDOrigin Environmental Source Record Cluster Cross Reference ID Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same cluster grouping Environmental Source Records is used String No
EnvironmentalSourceRecordClusterType Environmental Source Record Cluster Type The type of cluster (Spatial or Temporal) Single selection Yes
EnvironmentalSourceRecordClusterUnit Environmental Source Record Cluster Unit The unit the cluster represents (e.g., a grid cell, a market, etc.) String Yes
EnvironmentalSourceRecordClusterComments Environmental Source Record Cluster Comments Any other comments regarding the Environmental Source clusters String No

Arthropod Source Record

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SourceSpecies Arthropod Source Record Species The arthropod species of the Arthropod Source Record. The arthropods of the Arthropod Source Record (one species) are also stratified by sex, age, and the females, if any, by condition class also Single selection Yes
ArthropodSourceRecordSpeciesIdentifiedBy Arthropod Source Record Species Identified By The person that makes the identification of the arthropod species Single selection No
SourceRecordAge Arthropod Source Record Life Stage A life stage category represented in the arthropods of the Arthropod Source Record. The arthropods of the corresponding species are also stratified by sex and the females, if any, by condition class also Single selection Yes
SourceSex Arthropod Source Record Sex A sex category represented in the arthropods of the Arthropod Source Record. The arthropods of the corresponding species are also stratified by age and the females, if any, by condition class also Single selection Yes
ArthropodSourceRecordCondition Arthropod Source Record Condition A condition category represented in the female arthropods of the Arthropod Source Record. The options include mixed, unfed, bloodfed, and gravid Single selection Yes
SourceRecordNumberAnimals Arthropod Source Record Number of Arthropods The number of arthropods in the corresponding sex, age, and condition category of the Arthropod Source Record Integer Yes
SourceRecordExactNumber Arthropod Source Record Exact Number Answer to the question: 'Is the number of arthropods reported in the current sex, age, and condition category of the Arthropod Source Record exact?' Single selection Yes

Arthropod Source Record - Clustering

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
ArthropodSourceRecordClusterCode Arthropod Source Record Cluster Code User-provided Arthropod Source Record Cluster Code String Yes
ArthropodSourceRecordClusterCrossReferenceID Arthropod Source Record Cluster Cross Reference ID The identifier of a cluster grouping Arthropod Source Records in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
ArthropodSourceRecordClusterCrossReferenceIDOrigin Arthropod Source Record Cluster Cross Reference ID Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same cluster grouping Arthropod Source Records is used String No
ArthropodSourceRecordClusterType Arthropod Source Record Cluster Type The type of cluster (Spatial or Temporal) Single selection Yes
ArthropodSourceRecordClusterUnit Arthropod Source Record Cluster Unit The unit the cluster represents (e.g., a grid cell, a market, etc.) String Yes
ArthropodSourceRecordClusterComments Arthropod Source Record Cluster Comments Any other comments regarding the Arthropod Source clusters String No


Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SpecimenID Specimen Identifier System-provided Specimen identifier Integer System-assigned
SpecimenCode Specimen Code User-provided Specimen code String Yes
SpecimenCrossReferenceID Specimen Cross Identifier The identifier of an Specimen in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
SpecimenCrossReferenceIDOrigin Specimen Cross Identifier Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same Specimen is used String No
SpecimenOriginType Specimen Origin Type A qualitative definition about the origin of the Specimen. 'Source Record' when the Specimen is coming from a single or multiple Source Records, 'Specimen' when the Specimen is coming from other Specimens including Pooled Specimens, and 'Diagnostic Product' if the Specimen comes from a Diagnostic Product Multiple Selection Yes
SpecimenOrigin Specimen Origin The Codes of the Source Records, Specimens, or Diagnostics involved in the origin of the current Specimen Multiple Selection Yes
SpecimenTissueType Specimen Tissue Type The type(s) of tissue in the Specimen. They include 'arthropod' if they are coming from an Arthropod Source Record and 'mixed' if there are several tissues Single Selection Yes
SpecimenCreationDate Specimen Creation Date The date the Specimen is created Date Yes
SpecimenOriginalQuantity Specimen Original Quantity The original quantity of Specimen by the time it was created (e.g., 2) Float Yes
SpecimenOriginalQuantityUnit Specimen Quantity Unit The unit for the original quantity of the Specimen (e.g., milliliters, swab, mosquitoes) Single selection Yes
SpecimenMedium Specimen Medium The medium in which the Specimen is contained on (e.g. RNA-later) Single selection Yes
SpecimenMediumQuantity Specimen Medium Quantity The medium quantity in which the Specimen is contained on (e.g., 0.5) Float Yes
SpecimenMediumQuantityUnit Specimen Medium Quantity Unit The unit of the medium quantity in which the Specimen is contained on (e.g., milliliters) Single selection Yes
SpecimenFieldStorage Specimen Field Storage The method to store the specimen in the field while in transit to a proper facility Single selection Yes
SpecimenColdChainMaintained Specimen Cold Chain Maintained Answer to the question: 'Was the cold chain maintained during transit from the field to the laboratory?' Boolean Yes
SpecimenInSituStorageProblems Specimen In Situ Storage Problems Description of problems to store the Specimen in the field String No
SpecimenInContainer Specimen in Container Answer to the question: 'Is the Specimen sharing a container, as a jar, with other Specimens?' Boolean Yes
SpecimenContainerType Specimen Container Type The type of container the Specimens is sharing with other Specimens Single selection No
SpecimenContainerID Specimen Container ID The identifier of a container (e.g., a jar) where multiple Specimens are maintained together String Yes
SpecimenAvailable Specimen Available Answer to the question: 'Is the Specimen available to be used in Diagnostics or mix other Specimens?' Boolean Yes
SpecimenReasonNotAvailable Specimen Reason Not Available Description of the reason the Specimen is not available to be used in Diagnostics or to be mixed with other Specimens?' String Yes
SpecimenOwner Specimen Owner The owner of the Specimen (person or institution) String Yes
SpecimenComments Specimen Comments Any other comments regarding the Specimen String No


Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
StorageChange Storage Change Answer to the question: 'Is this storage record a consequence of changes in the storage of the Carcass or Specimen?' Boolean Yes
StorageChangeDate Storage Change Date The date when the storage change occured. If the change is associated with an Export, then this attribute is the date when the exported material was stored in the new facility Date Yes
StorageChangeReason Storage Change Reason Description of the reason to change the storage of the Carcass or Specimen String Yes
SpecimenCurrentQuantityStored Specimen Current Quantity Stored The quantity of Specimen currently stored (e.g., 0.3) Float Yes
SpecimenReasonQuantityDifference Specimen Reason of Quantity Difference Explanantion for the difference between the original Specimen amount and the current Specimen amount stored String Yes
StorageType Storage Type The type of storage of the Carcass or Specimen (e.g., in tank of liquid nitrogen, frozen, etc.) Single selection Yes
StorageFacilityStorage Storage Facility The facility where the Carcass or Specimen is stored Single selection Yes
StorageFacilityStorageContact Storage Facility Contact The person of contact in the facility where the Carcass or Specimen is stored Single selection Yes
StorageBuilding Storage Building The specific building within the facility where the Carcass or Specimen is stored String No
StorageRoom Storage Room The specific room within the facility building where the Carcass or Specimen is stored String No
StorageStorage Storage Unit The specific storage unit within the building room building where the Carcass or Specimen is stored (e.g., refrigerator 'X') String No
StorageShelf Storage Shelf The specific shelf within the storage unit where the Carcass or Specimen is stored String No
StorageRack Storage Rack The specific rack within the shelf where the Carcass or Specimen is stored String No
StorageBox Storage Box The specific box within the rack where the Carcass or Specimen is stored String No
StorageRow Storage Row The specific row within the box where the Carcass or Specimen is stored Integer No
StorageProblemsInFacility Storage Problems in Facility Description of any problems regarding the storage of the Carcass or Specimen within the facility String Yes
StorageComments Storage Comments Any other comments regarding the Storage String No


Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
ExportID Export Identifier System-provided Export identifier Integer System-assigned
ExportCode Export Code User-provided Export code String No
ExportCrossReferenceID Export Cross Identifier The identifier of an Export in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
ExportCrossReferenceIDOrigin Export Cross Identifier Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same Export is used String No
ExportOrigin Export Origin The facility where the Carcass or Specimen depart from Single selection Yes
ExportPermits Export Permits Answer to the question: 'Does the exportation process requires any permit'? Boolean Yes
ExportQuantity Export Quantity The quantity of Carcass or Specimen exported Float Yes
ExportQuantityUnit Export Quantity Unit The unit for the quantity of Carcass or Specimen exported reported Single selection Yes
ExportDestination Export Destination The destination of the Carcass or Specimen String Yes
ExportDepartureDate Export Departure Date The date the Carcass or Specimen leaves the current store location to start the exportation process Date Yes
ExportStorageMethod Export Storage Method The method(s) used to keep the Carcass or Specimen properly maintained Multiple selection Yes
ExportStatus Export Status The current status of the exportation Single selection Yes
ExportTransitLocation Export Transit Location The current transit location of the exported Carcass or Specimen, if any String No
ExportTransitLocationContact Export Transit Location Contact A contact at the current transit location of the exported Carcass or Specimen Single selection No
ExportProblems Export Problems Description of any problems during the export of the Carcass or Specimen String No
ExportArrived Export Arrived Answer to the question: 'Have the exported Carcass or Specimen arrived to destination?' Boolean Yes
ExportArrivalDate Export Arrival Date The date the Carcass or Specimen arrived to their destination Date Yes
ExportReceivedBy Export Received By The person that receive the Carcass or Specimen at destnation Single Selection Yes
ExportComments Export Comments Any other comments regarding the Export String No


Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
DiagnosticID Diagnostic Identifier System-provided Diagnostic identifier Integer System-assigned
DiagnosticCode Diagnostic Code User-provided Diagnostic code String Yes
DiagnosticCrossReferenceID Diagnostic Cross Identifier The identifier of an Diagnostic in another system (e.g., database/document/other) String No
DiagnosticCrossReferenceIDOrigin Diagnostic Cross Identifier Origin The database/document/other where other identification for the same Diagnostic is used String No
DiagnosticTargetedHazardType Diagnostic Targeted Hazard Type The type health hazard targeted by the Diagnostic Single selection Yes
DiagnosticTargetedHazardName Diagnostic Targeted Hazard Name The name of the health hazard targeted by the Diagnostic Single selection No
DiagnosticType Diagnostic Type The type of method used to conduct the Diagnostic (e.g., 'molecular', 'serology', etc) Single selection Yes
DiagnosticMethod Diagnostic Method The method used to conduct the Diagnostic (e.g., 'agglutination', 'PCR', etc) Single selection Yes
DiagnosticName Diagnostic Name The name of the Diagnostic method Single selection Yes
DiagnosticMeasurementQuantitative Diagnostic Measurement Quantitative Answer to the question: 'Does the Diagnostic method provide a quantitative result?' Boolean Yes
DiagnosticMeasurementQuantitativeUnit Diagnostic Measurement Quantitative Unit The quantitative unit usedd to report the results of the Diagnostic Single selection Yes
DiagnosticMeasurementQualitativeUnit Diagnostic Measurement Qualitative Unit The qualitative unit used to report the results of the Diagnostic Single selection Yes
DiagnosticRunInField Diagnostic Run in the Field Answer to the question: 'Is the Diagnostic run in the field?' Boolean Yes
DiagnosticRequestedBy Diagnostic Requested By The person requesting the Diagnostic Single selection No
LaboratoryName Laboratory Name The name of the Laboratory where the Diagnostic is completed Single Selection Yes
DiagnosticDateSentForTesting Date Sent for Testing The date the Animal Source, Carcass, or Specimen was sent to the Laboratory to be tested Date Yes
DiagnosticDateReceivedForTesting Date Received for Testing The date the Animal Source, Carcass, or Specimen was received in the Laboratory Date No
DiagnosticDate Date Diagnostic Conducted The date the Dieagnostics is conducted Date No
DiagnosticBy Diagnostic By The person that conducted the Diagnostic Single selection No
DiagnosticResultsReceived Diagnostic Results Received Answer to the question: 'Were the Diagnostic results received?' Boolean Yes
DiagnosticDateResultsReceived Date Results Received The date the Diagnostic results were received by the requester Date No
DiagnosticResultQuantitative Diagnostic Result The result of the diagnostic on quantitative units Float Yes
DiagnosticResultQualitative Diagnostic Result The result of the diagnostic on qualitative units String Yes
DiagnosticResultModified Diagnostic Result Modified Answer to the question:'Have the Diagnostic results been modified?' Boolean Yes
DiagnosticDateResultModified Date Diagnostic Result modified The date when the Diagnostic result was modified Date Yes
DiagnosticReasonResultModified Reason Diagnostic Result modified Description of the reason the Diagnostic result was modified String Yes
DiagnosticPreviousResultQuantitative Diagnostic Previous Result Quantitative The Diagnostic quantitative result before modification String No
DiagnosticPreviousResultQualitative Diagnostic Previous Result Qualitative The Diagnostic quantitative result before modification String No
DiagnosticProblems Diagnostic Problems Description of any problems regarding the Diagnostic String No
DiagnosticIsRepetition Diagnostic Is a Repetition Answer to the question: 'Is the Diagnostic a repetition of another Diagnostic Boolean Yes
DiagnosticReasonRepeated Diagnostic Reason Repetition Description of the reason the Diagnostic is repeated String Yes
DiagnosticComments Diagnostic Comments Any comments regarding the Diagnostic String No
DiagnosticInterpreted Diagnostic Interpreted Ansnwer to the quessiton: 'In the diagnostic interpreted?' Boolean Yes

Diagnostic Product

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
DiagnosticProductID Diagnostic Product Identifier System-provided Diagnostic Product identifier Integer System-assigned
DiagnosticProductType Diagnostic Product Type The type of Diagnostic Product (e.g., 'cDNA') Single selection Yes


Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
LaboratoryID Laboratory Identifier System-provided Project identifier Integer System-assigned
Laboratory Name Laboratory Name The name of the Laboratory String Yes
LaboratoryCrossReferenceID Laboratory Cross Identifier The identifier of the Laboratory under another nomenclature system. For example, in a different database or document where other identification for the same Laboratory is used String No
LaboratoryCrossReferenceIDOrigin Laboratory Cross Identifier Origin The location/database/document where other identification for the same Laboratory is used String No
LaboratoryCountry Laboratory Country The country where the Laboratory is located String No
LaboratoryAddress Laboratory Address The address of the Laboratory String No
LaboratoryPhone Laboratory Phone The phone number of the Laboratory String Yes
LaboratoryEmail Laboratory Email The email address of the Laboratory String No
LaboratoryManager Laboratory Manager The manager of the Laboratory String No
LaboratoryManagerEmail Laboratory Manager Email The email address of the manager of the Laboratory String No
LaboratoryPointContactName Laboratory Contact Name The name of the best contact point for the Laboratory Multiple selection Yes
LaboratoryPointContactEmail Laboratory Contact Email The email address of the best contact point for the Laboratory String Yes
LaboratoryPointContactAffiliation Laboratory Contact Affiliation The affiliation of the best contact point for the Laboratory String No
LaboratoryDiagnosticMethodAvailable Laboratory Diagnostics Available The diagnostic methods available in the Laboratory Multiple selection Yes
LaboratoryMaxBiosafetyLevel Laboratory Maximum biosafety level The maximum biosafety level avalable in the Laboratory Single selection Yes
LaboratoryCertification Laboratory Certification The certifications accomplished by the Laboratory Multiple selection Yes
LaboratoryStorageCapacity Laboratory Storage Capacity The capacity of the Laboratory to store Specimens and Carcasses String Yes
LaboratoryDataManagementSystem Laboratory Data Information System The information system used in the Laboratory to manage and track Diagnostic information String Yes


Diagnostic Interpretation

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
DiagnosticInterpretation Diagnostic Interpretation The Interpretation of the diagnostic based on its results Single selection Yes
DiagnosticInterpretationDate Diagnostic Interpretation Date The date of the Diagnostic Interpretation Date No
DiagnosticInterpretationBy Diagnostic Interpretation By The person that made the Interpretation Single selection Yes
DiagnosticInterpretationBySector Diagnostic Interpretation By Sector The environmental, animal, or human health sector affiliation of the individual that made the Diagnostic Interpretation Single selection No
DiagnosticInterpretationComments Diagnostic Interpretation Comments Comments regarding the Diagnostic Interpretation String No

Specimen Interpretation

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SpecimenInterpretationID Specimen Interpretation ID System-provided Specimen Interpretation identifier Integer System-assigned
SpecimenInterpretationTargetedHazardType Specimen Interpretation Targeted Hazard Type The hazard type to be Interpreted with respect to its presence in the current Specimen Single selection Yes
SpecimenInterpretationTargetedHazardTypeName Specimen Interpretation Targeted Hazard Type Name The name of the hazard to be Interpreted with respect to its presence in the current Specimen Single selection Yes
SpecimenInterpretationConclusion Specimen Interpretation Conclusion The final Interpretation of the status of the targeted hazard in the Specimen based on the results of the corresponding Diagnostics String Yes
SpecimenInterpretationDate Specimen Interpretation Date The date of the Interpretation Date No
SpecimenInterpretationBy Specimen Interpretation By The person that made the Interpretation Single selection Yes
SpecimenInterpretationBySector Specimen Interpretation By Sector The environmental, animal, or human health sector affiliation of the individual that made the Specimen Interpretation Single selection No
SpecimenInterpretationBasedOn Specimen Interpretation Based On Description of the arguments leading to the Specimen Interpretation String Yes
SpecimenInterpretationComments Specimen Interpretation Comments Comments regarding the Specimen Interpretation String No

Source Record Interpretation

Variable Label Definition Type Mandatory
SourceRecordInterpretationID Source Record Interpretation ID System-provided Source Record Interpretation identifier Integer System-assigned
SourceRecordInterpretationTargetedHazardTypeID Source Record Interpretation Targeted Hazard Type The hazard type to be Interpreted with respect to its presence in the current Source Record Single selection Yes
SourceRecordInterpretationTargetedHazardTypeName Source Record Interpretation Targeted Hazard Type Name The name of the hazard to be Interpreted with respect to its presence in the current Source Record Single selection Yes
SourceRecordInterpretationConclusion Source Record Interpretation Conclusion The final Interpretation of the status of the targeted hazard in the Source Record based on the results of the corresponding Diagnostics, Necropsy, and field findings String Yes
SourceRecordInterpretationDate Source Record Interpretation Date The date of the Interpretation Date No
SourceRecordInterpretationBy Source Record Interpretation By The person that made the Interpretation Single selection Yes
SourceRecordInterpretationBySector Source Record Interpretation By Sector The environmental, animal, or human health sector affiliation of the individual that made the Source Record Interpretation Single selection No
SourceRecordInterpretationBasedOn Source Record Interpretation Based On Description of the arguments leading to the Source Record Interpretation String Yes
SourceRecordInterpretationComments Source Record Interpretation Comments Comments regarding the Source Record Interpretation String No