WHe-DB Manual


Under construction


Summary of fields and tables whose availability is conditional on other fields of the database

If field In table equals and then of type in table outcome for
ProjectAnimalSource Project FALSE or NA NA SurveillanceActivityAnimalSource table NA not available entire project
ProjectAnimalSource Project FALSE or NA NA AnimalSourceClusters table NA not available entire project
ProjectAnimalSource Project FALSE or NA NA AnimalSource table NA not available entire project
ProjectAnimalSource Project FALSE or NA NA AnimalSourceRecord table NA not available entire project
ProjectAnimalSource Project FALSE or NA NA Necropsy table NA not available entire project
ProjectAnimalSource Project FALSE or NA NA Carcass table NA not available entire project
ProjectAnimalSource Project FALSE or NA NA AnimalSourceSpecimen table NA not available entire project
ProjectGroupSource Project FALSE or NA NA SurveillanceActivityGroupSource table NA not available entire project
ProjectGroupSource Project FALSE or NA NA GroupSourceClusters table NA not available entire project
ProjectGroupSource Project FALSE or NA NA GroupSource table NA not available entire project
ProjectGroupSource Project FALSE or NA NA GroupSourceRecord table NA not available entire project
ProjectGroupSource Project FALSE or NA NA GroupSourceSpecimen table NA not available entire project
ProjectEnvironmentalSource Project FALSE or NA NA SurveillanceActivityEnvironmentalSource table NA not available entire project
ProjectEnvironmentalSource Project FALSE or NA NA EnvironmentalSourceClusters table NA not available entire project
ProjectEnvironmentalSource Project FALSE or NA NA EnvironmentalSource table NA not available entire project
ProjectEnvironmentalSource Project FALSE or NA NA EnvironmentalSourceRecord table NA not available entire project
ProjectEnvironmentalSource Project FALSE or NA NA EnvironmentalSourceSpecimen table NA not available entire project
ProjectArthropodSource Project FALSE or NA NA SurveillanceActivityArthropodSource table NA not available entire project
ProjectArthropodSource Project FALSE or NA NA ArthropodSourceClusters table NA not available entire project
ProjectArthropodSource Project FALSE or NA NA ArthropodSource table NA not available entire project
ProjectArthropodSource Project FALSE or NA NA ArthropodSourceRecord table NA not available entire project
ProjectArthropodSource Project FALSE or NA NA ArthropodSourceSpecimen table NA not available entire project
ProjectAnimalSource ProjectGroupSource ProjectEnvironmentalSource ProjectArthropodSource Project FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE and and and Source table NA not available entire project